Recruitment Message


Well, I've been throwing around some recruitment messages on Doula.

"<The Elect> is a Christian legion, and member of the Christian Gamers Alliance. Please see [ ] (and/or) [ ] for more information."

I hope that this is alright with everyone. Putting it around Lumiel a bit too, while I'm still stuck there, but adding the fact that we're on Siel.

Hope to see you all in game soon, and perhaps a few new faces!
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Going to get a real influx of members soon, as this recruitment message is generating a lot of response.

I know that I can send them to Kanshisha, but he's away for a while. Who else is allowed to invite people? Xaris, are you a recruiting officer?
I'll change back to The Elect on Orionli once it's more active. Right now I have her in the Protectors of Elysea because they have between 10 and 30 members on at a time.
Yeah, PoE is pretty big. We've got 87 active members that have been on the the last three days, and we also have an active alt legion. Members who haven't been on for 7 days get kicked.
Going to get a real influx of members soon, as this recruitment message is generating a lot of response.

I know that I can send them to Kanshisha, but he's away for a while. Who else is allowed to invite people? Xaris, are you a recruiting officer?

Since having a recruiting officer around when needed has been difficult. I've been allowing ToJ members to invite into the legion. I just have some ground rules to follow -

1. Make sure they understand we are a Christian based legion. We do talk about God and the Bible.

2. We do NOT allow swearing or sex talk

3. If they want access to our vent/TS and legion warehouse. We require ToJ registration (free).

4. We currently have about 5 active members, with a few semi active.

5. Primary activity times are 8pm - 2am eastern

I'd say our main focus right now is PvE grouping. An looking forward to making a presence in Fort raids.

If they understand that, then you can invite them.

6. In-game mail Kanshisha that you invited someone into the legion. That will help me keep track of what's going on.

"<The Elect> is a Christian legion, and member of the Christian Gamers Alliance. Please see [ ] (and/or) [ ] for more information."

The Elect are only under ToJ. An it's membership with them that we look for. CGA is more like a hub for christian clans like ToJ to have a place to meet an not a governing organization.

We need to have a maximum away time on our guild too, so we can consistently have an active membership.

Ya probably. We've had plenty of room so I haven't worried about it to much; but we are getting near the cap again. A good portion of them still have an interest in playing. They just want to wait for the game to improve a little or had some RL problem.
I'll clear some space before the mergers happen though.
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I'm still just a Legionary.

Players needing contacted: Adaya, Seaven, Esneti

They should all be signed up on ToJ already. I send them there, just so they know who/what we are, and that there are no misunderstandings.
Adaya is registered with CGA and messed me in game. They are not on right now, but when I'm on and see them I'll invite.
Thought I'd forward this on to the forums. I got a reply from the CMs about our Legion recruitment post being deleted from the forums:

Greetings Doula,

I understand your frustration with how this was handled, and I see why our moderator took the action he did. The forum rules say that "spam is considered to be repetitive posting of the same topic...". Typically we try to discourage Legions from advertising in multiple forums, because it can open the door to bad things. Let me look into it and see if there's anything we can do.

On a more personal note, as a Christian, I appreciate what you're trying to do with your Legion. It's encouraging to see these kind of fellowships popping up in Aion. Please feel free to contact me directly if there's ever anything I can do to help support you.

God bless!
Fly High Daevas,
Tamat ~ Andrew Beegle
Community Manager

Just thought I'd forward this on. I know that I've gotten a lot of "I'm reporting this offensive message, and I will see your Legion removed." Well, I think this message from the CM pretty much sums up where those "reports" are going to go.

Praise God!
Thank you for sharing that. It's an encouragement and blessing to know there is a brother on the "inside."

So what was the complaint about? Did you do multiple postings on the forum?
Hahaha you're kidding! Tamat is a christian! That's cool. I was actually thinking about this today, being a christian legion and all. I was being slandered by a guy in the abyss who was KS'ing my AP, which got me thinking about Doula's recruitment message, which led me to wondering if there were any higher up ranking guys at Aion who were christian, which apparently there are.

Regarding the complain against Doula, I believe it was about posting the same message on several server forums, which constitutes spam. Nonetheless he was still getting slammed in the Siel forum, even when that was the only message left. It still amazes me how the word "christian" incites so much hate.

Anyways, way to go Doula, keep up the good work!!
Because of the upcoming (and currently being implemented) server mergers and transfers, I went and posted my recruitment message across all the servers. Now, if you read Aion's definition of spam, it actually goes on to describe spam as nonsensical, designed to be annoying, and lacking of any real content. I figured that since our recruitment message had a reason (which was also posted in the message about upcoming transfers) I didn't feel that it met the definition of "spam."

I wrote him back and said that, but also that I understand that they're trying to keep the server forums open and clean of mess. I thanked him for being so cordial with me, and asked God to bless him.

I'm glad that I didn't lose my temper in my PM to him about my "infraction." I admit that I *DO* have a bad temper when I forget to keep it reigned in, and this is a good reminder of that "angels unawares" mentality. Thank you Lord for little reminders. They can make great big differences. =)
Ok going to try again. Tried posting before but i never see it. Anyways, I am going to transfer my toons to seil when transfers are up, so hope to hook up with you all then.
Hi Calvary,

Ya, when you first join. Posts are confirmed for a week or so an then you have access. It's to help prevent spam.

Let us know when you got over to our server. We'll be glad to invite you.
Hello everybody. Glad to find you guys. Got my toon transferred and will start looking for someone to get an invite. See you in game.
