Recent content by CrazyGav

  1. C

    Gruul options

    I would love to tank a gruuls run but we have started a kara run on tues to help gear some of the newer 70's in the guild. I can run gruul on weds or afternoons on sat sun.
  2. C

    Progression Karazhan - Tuesday/Saturday

    I have to work this semester at 10pm (michigan time) on thursdays so i will have an hourish on thursdays
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    Progression Karazhan - Tuesday/Saturday

    I just got a call to go into work so I wont be able to make it tonight. Sorry the holidays have been busy.
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    Progression Karazhan - Tuesday/Saturday

    No ben told me when we took prince down
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    Progression Karazhan - Tuesday/Saturday

    I am not sure when I can make it over the Holidays. A lot of stuff going on and some internet problems to boot. I will try to be on as much as I can though.
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    Progression Kara - Thursday 12-13-07

    I am not sure when I can make it over the Holidays. A lot of stuff going on and some internet problems to boot. I will try to be on as much as I can though.
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    Progression Karazhan - Tuesday/Saturday

    I jumped out of Kevin's boat and I will probly make the run now.
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    Progression Karazhan - Tuesday/Saturday

    Guys I am not sure if I can make it this friday or not.
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    For all new members of TheForgiven ...

    I can't see the guild only thread
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    I am willing to go if you need a Tank
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    Progression Karazhan - Tuesday/Saturday

    Thanks to the guys of K12 (mostly Ben) I am keyed and geared for Kara. Thanks to everyone on Friday for letting me come tank (even tank Curator) I am more than willing to come again. Haazda Prot Pally Tank
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    The Forgiven Gnome Roam - Social Event, Part the First

    I am hoping to have a 70 by then but I am up for whatever
  13. C

    Seal of Command

    As a up an coming Tankadin who also loved SOC I would be interested in your wisdom on holding aggro if you wouldn't mind sharing it with me -Gavin (Haazda)