Recent content by Forgiveness

  1. F

    Hi im new at this

    Oh No thanks I just wanted to see Whats up with the Christian community In gaming But I wanted to see if i Could scrim
  2. F

    prayer against a suicide attempt

    OK ill Pray right now
  3. F


    How do i activate my account I don't know how to go back to my post of my testimony that i posted:)
  4. F

    Question about making promises/vows to God

    O ya and what's more important Your game or God
  5. F

    Question about making promises/vows to God

    Jesus loves you so much But that is not a good idea i just read the first paragraph and that made me remember my vows for staying pure to no have a girlfriend or have sex until I'm old Married Thank God,God led me to your post But Its not a good idea Just pray about God helping you with...
  6. F

    Hi im new at this

    sorry if I am posting on a worng Topic But I made a clan 3 days ago and its called P.O.D Payment of Death and I was wondering if we could scrim you guys If so Please Email me At Because I don't really know how to use your forums yet