Recent content by Kahless

  1. K

    Hunter - Mists of Pandaria Talent Calculator Feb 16th Update Changes on MMO.

    Hey all, So please note that these of course are subjected to change at Blizzard's disgression, but I wanted to get the info out. I saw this, interesting changes for hunters: Hunter (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents) Talents • *NEW* Glaive Toss - You hurl two glaives...
  2. K

    Hunters: Buff incoming in 4.3.2

    What about Beast Master Hunters?? Besides th buff for Aspect of the Hawk..
  3. K

    New Hunter pets coming in Patch 4.2!

    yup, and that's bad for dps. the waspes would venom spit, but that may have the same cool down. dunno. I hate bugs.
  4. K

    For all new members of TheForgiven ...

    Greetings new comer. If you have a hunter and you have questions about pets just let me know. :) 23 / 25 of my pets are rare spawns!
  5. K

    Happy Father's Day!

    Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there!
  6. K

    New Hunter pets coming in Patch 4.2!

    I know of a couple that does a ranged attack at first but then go charge in. Winged Serpents do a Poison Spit Corehounds do a flame attack Spiders caste webshot Serpents also does a Poison Spit Spirit Beasts used to do Spirit Strike (but Blizz took that away, sadly) But as for a pet that sits...
  7. K

    New Hunter pets coming in Patch 4.2!

    So I have been doing some research, the two new addition are: Skarr: A really kewl looking marble skinned cat. (note: I couldn't get the pictures to load up, but I clicked on the links after scrolling down and openned them in new...
  8. K

    New Hunter pets coming in Patch 4.2!

    Hello again, just saw on that there is now 10, that's right 10 new pets instead of 8 pets to be tamed in the next patch. . . 4.2!!!
  9. K

    New Hunter pets coming in Patch 4.2!

    hehe, of course it would. LOL Blizzard did send me a "Please come back to World of Warcraft and play for 7 days for free email" . . . AGAIN!
  10. K

    New Hunter pets coming in Patch 4.2!

    We hunters will have eight new pets come avalible in patch 4.2: Ban'thalos : Ban’thalos, a non-aggressive spirit beast ghost owl, paths by the Sanctuary of Malorne in Mount Hyjal. The challenge is that Ban’thalos flies around extremely high up (and rumor has it he’ll be relocated even...
  11. K

    new wow scam

    hmm, interesting. If I would have gotten this in my email, I would call Blizzard directly. Should go with anybody else that gets this email. I make it a habbit to not to click on any links in my email.
  12. K

    archaeology -Anti Feral druid profession, what you can do!

    But remember Rhys, Eric hasn't AFK wipe the entire group/raid before. :-P Rob- yes I haven't found much of anything to help my hunter. Sadly I worked on my hunter's Arch before my mage's arch. Now I have to go through it all again for the same reason as everybody else, I want that recipe to...
  13. K

    85 Level Hunter stuff ...

    Being a Beast Master Hunter. . .I am sad that this spec has too low of dps, but I do love all the new pets we can tame; Ghostcrawler, Bugs, Shale Spiders, Sea Gulls, Flaming Turtles, Spirit Beasts, and whatever else that is avaliable. This website was my tool I used to find most of the pets...
  14. K

    Question: The Tag at the end of someone post?

    test test....this is only a test...hehe
  15. K

    Question: The Tag at the end of someone post?

    I was refering to that blue box just under your post; it shows your toon picture your name, and all your stats.....