Recent content by Rev. Hankster

  1. Rev. Hankster

    ToJ tag...

    OH OH OH!!! No need to change tag guys. To fix the tag problem, go to 'My Documents' then 'Battlefield 2' then 'Profiles' Right click the Globle CON file and go into Properties and uncheck 'Read-only'. Open in Notepad. Go to the line that reads GlobalSettings.setNamePrefix (usualy the 2nd...
  2. Rev. Hankster

    When to have Game Night

    with alot of stuff coming up this week, church and work related, none :-( monday night at the earliest unless dallas plans are cancled... then saturday night for me.
  3. Rev. Hankster

    When to have Game Night

    Yeah. Wednesday is, of course, youth. Being an older member, I should be there.
  4. Rev. Hankster

    Competition Team Info

    It's all good. ;)
  5. Rev. Hankster

    fresh 2005

    Lol I know here in Austin, TX. Jeremy Camp and many others are coming in October and November. Gonna rock. But, yeah. David Crowder Band is pretty awsome.
  6. Rev. Hankster

    Rev. Hankster

    Thanks for having me aboard mates. ;) I'm sure we'll have some good games, good laughs, and great times, eh? Time to add people to xfire :D Godspeed. Pray for thosein Rita's path. (like me :( )
  7. Rev. Hankster

    Competition Team Info

    I'll take on the challenge :cool: