Helpful Commands


New Member
Hi yall!

I thought this thread could be used as a helpful guide for using commands:
/cprivate.................................................//this is the default command for making a block/door/chest private
/cmodify <playername>........................//this gives permissions to certain players
/cremove...............................................//this removes any locks on a block
/cpublic.................................................//this makes a door/chest public
*Note: to apply cpublic, first you must use cremove on anything that that was made cprivate(doors default to this)

/res ? <page>........................................//gives help commands for res
/res select <x> <y> <z>.......................// this will select blocks relative to your position based on coords
/res select vert.....................................// this will make your selection from bedrock to sky
/res create <name>.............................//creates you land based on your /select coords
/res set................................................// gives a gui to select resident permissions
/res pset <playername>......................// gives a gui to select permissions for a particular player
/res tp <resident name>....................// teleports you to a resident
/res tpset............................................// sets the tp in your resident to your position
/expand <amount>............................// expands residence by blocks in direction you are facing
/res subzone <zone name>...............// creates a subzone with custom permissions/teleport
*Note: a resident can be set up to prevent creeper explosions, prevent mob spawns, and prevent pvp. It defaults to not allow 'use' I.E. right click, which should be disabled if you want people to check out your place. "/res set" is a very helpful command.
Select: When selecting, for instance "/select 10 10 10" would select 10 in every direction making it 21 x 21 x 21. The block you are on, plus 10 in every direction.
Subzones: First you need to use the "/select" command inside the borders of a residence, than use the "/subzone" command to make a subzone within the selection. If you make a subzone check its permissions (with "/res set" while in that subzone) as they do not default to the parent residence. Also use tpset with a subzone for a custom tp which will be used like "/res tp <residence>.<subzone name>"

/tpa <playername>..............................//request to teleport to someone
/tpaccept..............................................//approve of teleport
/sethome..............................................//sets home teleport
/home.................................................//teleports to home

If anyone else has any recommended commands that I'm forgetting, let me know so I can toss them in!

God bless and see yall around!
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Those are most helpful, thank you!
Well it's not a command, but I have something that is useful:
Hold a piece of string in your hand and click a block within a claim to get information on it.
I discovered this by total accidental clicking while I happened to have string in my hand!