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  1. Draaco

    Riddle me this...

    He has a SIX shooter in his holster, but RAN from his enemy. ten points to the weiner.
  2. Draaco

    Hey everyone

    Just wanted to stop in and say hello. It's been pretty boring just watching movies and doing homework to fill the time I spent playing WOW, but it's getting better. I miss the fellowship and friendship. Keep on keepin' on!
  3. Draaco

    WTB BF2

    hey all, im looking to buy bf2 but im a bit confused. All that ive seen in the stores is Battlefield 1942 or veitnam. does it actually say Battlefield 2?
  4. Draaco

    Farewell from Draacnoob

    I just wanted to say one last goodbye to everyone. I have decided (and already done the deed) to delete my characters and quit MMORPG's alltogether. My obsesive-compulsive behavior coupled with my comptetitive nature has been a recipie for family neglect for 3.5 years now (played Star Wars...
  5. Draaco


    1. As a tank -- first and foremost we are tanks for groups. When tanking a boss or high lvl elites...sunder, sunder, sunder, and when you've done enough sunders throw in some "heroic strikes" and a few "revenge" attacks which generates hate. Be sure to watch the healers and be ready to pull...
  6. Draaco

    Ansley's Dad needs our prayers

    Ansley's father has gone into the hospital becuase of a heart attack. please pray for him and the family.
  7. Draaco

    Ansley's Dad needs our prayers

    Ansley's father has gone into the hospital becuase of a heart attack. please pray for him and the family.
  8. Draaco

    Dawife's family needs prayer

    Dawife's grandsons other grandmother was killed in an auto accident recently and the family needs our prayer. please remember them when you go to the Lord in prayer.
  9. Draaco

    Prayers for Dawife's family

    Dawife's grandsons other grandmother was killed in an auto accident recently and the family needs our prayer. please remember them when you go to the Lord in prayer.
  10. Draaco

    Prayer for Cindylou

    Cindylou (mother of darkcloud) would like our prayers. Along with the obvious tragedy involving her son and daughter-in-law she really needs prayer. Her father's heath is failing and he needs a touch from the Lord. the good news is he is being baptized soon and has given his heart to Christ...
  11. Draaco

    Prayer for Cindylou

    Cindylou (mother of darkcloud) would like our prayers. Along with the obvious tragedy involving her son and daughter-in-law she really needs prayer. Her father's heath is failing and he needs a touch from the Lord. the good news is he is being baptized soon and has given his heart to Christ...
  12. Draaco

    Urgent Prayers for Darkcloud and his family

    Many of you have already heard the news but for those of you who have not darkcloud's family needs our prayers. They have lost their baby due to complications and Val (his wife) is in danger as well. please begin to pray w/o ceasing asap. we will post updates as they come.
  13. Draaco

    Urgent Prayers for Darkcloud and his family

    Many of you have already heard the news but for those of you who have not darkcloud's family needs our prayers. They have lost their baby due to complications and Val (his wife) is in danger as well. please begin to pray w/o ceasing asap. we will post updates as they come.
  14. Draaco

    Pray for Ceazar

    Ceazar (new redeemed member) needs us to pray for him. He is facing a military deployment and feels now is not the time to leave his kids. Please pray that it will work out for him to stay and help raise his children.
  15. Draaco

    Prayers for Samuraij

    Samj's mother needs our prayers friends. She was involved in an accident. Her injuries are not life-threatening so we've been told, however we do not know the full extent of what happend. please pray for her as often as you think of this.
  16. Draaco

    Prayers for Samuraij

    Samj's mother needs our prayers friends. She was involved in an accident. Her injuries are not life-threatening so we've been told, however we do not know the full extent of what happend. please pray for her as often as you think of this.
  17. Draaco

    Icthus job search

    Please pray for Icthus as he searches for a job.
  18. Draaco

    Prayer Needs

    I have recently been given the privilege of joining the Living in Christ team as the prayer chain coordinator. If you have any needs you would like the guild to lift up in prayer please contact me via this thread, private message or in game whisper, gulid chat or mail. We want everyone to know...
  19. Draaco

    New to the boards

    Hey guys and gals. I havent been on the message boards yet, but I thought I better start...soooooo hi!