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  1. R

    Presidential ELection

    Please Please i know most of u are very smart like Plankeye with your reply to that draft thing i found. Please help me! I am seriously going to get an ulcer at age 18 because i CANT STAND THE DEMOCRATS pLZ!!! I see all this ad's and all this kids my age say they hate bush. I love pres bush ...
  2. R

    Need admin's on.

    thanks guys, i know that you a long while ago would have agreed with us lionofjudah because i can remember a post very similar that you made. I am very happy though that there are these admin bots if so can i get a link where i can get it? So i can send u a msg immediately because i am on most...
  3. R

    Need admin's on.

    hey guys. I'm just letting you all know it's been about 1 week now of playing and we have had like this battle going on. Us Toj vs this people that just are rebelious. It seems like it is getting worse every time i get on the server. It's like people will be like cussing so much and me and like...
  4. R

    Fahrenheit 9/11

    What do you all think of this movie post it all here. I hear its just Bush bashing. I for one am sick of all this ignorance that democrats are spewing forth.
  5. R

    DRAFT If this happens god help us all...
  6. R

    training topic

    I just want to say i know its a ways down the road, but i believe that toj has some great players in it. And when we do go into scrims I will train/help anyone who wishes to be a better cs player. I may not be the best cs player, and i may never be. But i know quite a bit about the game. And I...