Search results

  1. Iefan

    Looking for more for a late night Naxx run :)

    I can do this first Sat one but other than that, I doubt it for awhile. Just happen to be traveling right now and have more access than normal but I am still on East Coast time. In a couple months I will see how active I am while away from home but while at home I will probably only be able to...
  2. Iefan

    Support bigger guilds!

    Posted, I love debate :)
  3. Iefan


    I think if we have 10 people that are alive when phase 3 starts that at least 3 of them should be designated AoE healers. Do the damage for the combo points and stack the AoE heals. Perhaps on a timer rotation..say, P1, P2, P3 all get 5 combo points asap and then P1 hits the heal and starts...
  4. Iefan

    Interest in 10 Man Naxx Runs

    I can't install the guild calender addon on the current computer(s) I am using for various reasons. However, as discussed last Sunday and Monday, I am very interested in adding my name into the mix for a return run to Naxx and I would like another shot at the big blue dragon, 3rd phase, we were...
  5. Iefan

    Holy Paladins...scared of 2.1???

    I found this quite funny...
  6. Iefan


    For those not using is simply awesome! Great work indeed! I did not recieve a single gold spam tell (my wife not running this did). The filter works well enough to cut down on the kids that don't know how to spell. Awesome, simply awesome.
  7. Iefan

    Full 2.1 PTR Patch Notes

    Gotcha, Was skimming over it while on a conference call. Guess I missed the fine print :)
  8. Iefan

    Full 2.1 PTR Patch Notes

    Major Polymorph nerf!
  9. Iefan

    Full 2.1 PTR Patch Notes

    I am very happy with the Druid changes. Specifically: "Mangle(Bear)": Damage increased by 15%, but bonus threat reduced so that overall threat generation will be unchanged
  10. Iefan

    What about TF mages?

    I "retired" Lynus at 61 and switched mains to Lidex (Druid) to play with Laura as she liked the Hunter class better than her Pally. Currently we are both 61 and slowly growing while questing together. Before scrapping the mage, I went with Fire for PvP purposes and it worked out slightly...
  11. Iefan

    Tier 6 Armor Sets names and bonuses revealed

    And Warlocks become even more unstoppable in PvP.
  12. Iefan

    Druid Hot Fix

    This goes a long way towards removing the bitter taste that was left in my mouth. I really wish they would have left my armor alone though.
  13. Iefan

    Raid leader perspective of BC and blue response

    They ended up allowing "Piggy Backing" in EQ. As long as 2/3 of the raid was "flagged / keyed" then a non progressed player could be brought into the zone. I quit before they allowed it to happen to the Plane of Time so I don't really know if that one ever went through. Rep grinding and...
  14. Iefan

    Men's Forum Grand Opening

    I don't see the forum, pretty positive I replied to the PM.
  15. Iefan

    Men's Forum Grand Opening

    Add me to the growing list of faithful men please.
  16. Iefan

    Arcane Mages finally get some love!

    Lynus is 51 Arcane but I doubt I will be playing him all that much. Laura really prefers a Hunter and I really prefer a Druid, so that is what we are sticking with (for now). As for the damage, there is a huge separation between 41 and 51. You don't need the crutch of other trees until you...
  17. Iefan


    I was in the Vanguard closed beta for several months. Since phase 2 or 3 I think it was. Needless to say, I rarely logged on. The game (in its current state at the time) held zero appeal to me. I hear that it has gone through many changes upon release and it is now at least playable. Like...
  18. Iefan

    tBC - Tailoring

    Sure, why not?
  19. Iefan

    tBC - Tailoring

    I am uncertain as to if it is a "locked" skill or not. Meaning, if you do Mooncloth, you cannot do Spellcloth. However, Mooncloth is tailored to Priests / Healing. Shadow is tailored to Warlocks and Spellcloth caters to Mages.
  20. Iefan

    What's been your favorite thing in tBC so far?

    I have not spent a ton of time there, Just waiting for the mad rush to die down so I can do more of the starting quests in peace. However, the quests that I have done so far are fantastic and the rewards are awesome. It makes me wonder if they are going to revamp the loot tables in Strat /...