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  1. K

    Hunter - Mists of Pandaria Talent Calculator Feb 16th Update Changes on MMO.

    Hey all, So please note that these of course are subjected to change at Blizzard's disgression, but I wanted to get the info out. I saw this, interesting changes for hunters: Hunter (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents) Talents • *NEW* Glaive Toss - You hurl two glaives...
  2. K

    Happy Father's Day!

    Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there!
  3. K

    New Hunter pets coming in Patch 4.2!

    We hunters will have eight new pets come avalible in patch 4.2: Ban'thalos : Ban’thalos, a non-aggressive spirit beast ghost owl, paths by the Sanctuary of Malorne in Mount Hyjal. The challenge is that Ban’thalos flies around extremely high up (and rumor has it he’ll be relocated even...
  4. K

    Question: The Tag at the end of someone post?

    Okay, I like that tag at the bottom of some folks post, which tells which toons are yours......HOW DO I GET THAT TOO? I wanna be part of the kewl crowd...hehe -Kahless-
  5. K

    Looking to Join a Raid group to ICC

    Hello all. I need to get into an ICC run for my hunter, priest, and eventually my prot pally. First off, I wanna say thank you all for the ones that were willing to run with my pally; giving him a chance to tank and dps<crappy dps>. I have reached 575 on Def, and got my first piece of...
  6. K

    Unable to see Members Only area

    Hello, I was looking for the Members Only Thread to check out details of the BBQ, but I am unable to see that area. HELP! -Kahless-
  7. K

    Problem with Group Calandar

    Hiya folks, I have noticed that there is a problem with Group Calandar. I signed up for the Omega group for Naxx and my name is off the list. Surak had the same problem, he notice that his name was removed from the list. I tried signing up for the Alpha run after it was annoynced and...
  8. K

    Tracking down Rare Spawns in Sholazar Basin

    Hello fellow hunters, I started the thread to help us Hunters out to track down the three rare spawn in Sholazar Basin. So please provide info for spawn times and areas that the spawn have been seen in. Loque'nahak <Spirit Beast> King Krush <Devilsuar> Aotona <Bird of Prey> Here are the...