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  1. M

    Restructing Titles

    I've been keeping up with the posts on the message board, and miss you all very much. Icthus, You seem to be doing a wonderful job as a leader, and I know it's hard to replace such wonderful leaders from the past. This looks like a wonder setup, and a great idea for the guild! As for the...
  2. M

    Test Site Address

    Looks good Janc! I see now that it IS frames, just couldnt tell from the other pic you sent... maybe you could call the Home page the Sanctuary? that's just an idea... I'm not technically a part of the family, but im stil ToJ! I think i still get a say! ;) Any-who, Sanctuary is a place of...
  3. M

    Sorry, friends...

    Sorry I left without saying goodbye. I couldn't afford to keep paying for DAoC and UO and all my other bills. My father and I moved back to UO because he enjoys it more. Zigafus plays it with us too, if you've been wondering about him... I didnt mean to STEAL him, really! ;) I also ran out of...
  4. M

    web site suggestions/requests

    Have you considered using frames? It makes using that page as your homepage easier... just a thought...
  5. M

    Fond Memories

    Like a mist rolling in through the dead of night, Moniere, most of his armor damaged and broken, silently crept up to the hall with the white banner with a black tower and crimson stripe drapped over the door. Looking cautiously around, he opened the door and stepped inside. The hall was empty...
  6. M

    For Malo -

    Who's AL? I think I meant ALL.... but, God bless AL too!
  7. M

    For Malo -

    MALO! I DEMAND YOU TAKE THAT BACK! You bring Wisdom and Joy to me constantly, especially when we get going on our little e-mail conversations that take off! (sorry when i don't reply, it's not that I don't want to, usually its that I don't have time ) Just wanted to give you my two cents on...
  8. M

    Just a heads up

    Some of us kinda... left...DAoC... I've been playing Earth and Beyond as of late. Well, actually, since the last time you all saw me. I guess I got tired of never finding anyone to group with and such. I know Zigafus has been playing Earth and Beyond, UO, and DAoC all off and on, back and...
  9. M

    Missing me?

    I dont know if any of you have noticed, lately, but I havent been playing as much. My ISP seems to think it's funny to give me a 49 or less connection, and I don't find it owrth trying to play on such a pathetic bandwidth. I hope my ISP gets it together soon and fixes the problem, cause I'm...
  10. M

    Twin charmingwinds?

    Seld stared at Zyggi, and felt his mouth drop open. Suddenly, as if something was burning inside him, he got angry and looked about at his friends. "What kind of joke is this? Who is this man, and why are you doing this to me?", he cried out. Malohaut, stunned at the unexpected reaction...
  11. M

    Tuesday services

    Ithink that's a great Idea, Malohaut! You're sure to inspire us all
  12. M

    Chivah's adventures

    Roenry sat behind a pillar and listened as the two men talked. Ever since Chivah had confronted him about his past, Roenry had been avoiding his new friends. They couldn't possibly understand, and would almost certainly turn him over to his father if they knew who he really was. It was their...
  13. M

    About all of you....

    I have only one thing to say about all of you... I LOVE YOU GUYS! w00t! hehe just wanted to say that
  14. M

    Thank you all!

    Well, Jaz, you know that, other than God, I was the biggest reason it was so easy ;) Congrats on 50 and congrats on the epic armor!
  15. M

    Chivah's adventures continued

    For anyone interested in the fire and such at the camp, here's the low down. The slaves, recognizing a chance for freedom, waited for the slavers to turn on themselves, as all armies in faction wars tend to do, and waited for them to break out into violence. After the army had split into two...
  16. M

    Chivah's adventures continued

    Outside, Chivah was praying. He had been waiting for Roenry for hours. He thought at one point he heard the sounds of sword play from far inside the encampment, but it was too faint to tell... things had calmed down with the valient raiders, as many of them had left, content with themselves at...
  17. M

    Chivah's adventures continued

    A few nights had passed since Roenry had last seen Tylwith. The two had decided to head seperate ways in hopes of finding Chivah sooner. Tylwith, knowing the newly deiscovered areas better headed off to the Isle of Glass, While Roenry, the Ranger, was more than familiar with everything in the...
  18. M

    Chivah's adventures continued

    OOC Sory, I made a typo/mistell. Falrod in the 13th paragraph, where Roenry shoots a guard in the throat, is supposed to be Jorn
  19. M

    Chivah's adventures continued

    Roenry, tired, but unscathed, fell to the shadows, follwed by Tylwith. He breathed a sigh of relief as he replaced his feathered cap. It had fallen during battle, revealing his head gear, but his companions failed to notice. He was unsure where exactly the slavers would take their prey, but...
  20. M

    Twin charmingwinds?

    Seld had traveled far, having just acquired a new season, and wished to head to camelot. He'd prefer the lethantis association, if it didn't hold too many bad memories, but since the day he was driven out of Avalon, he couldn't bear to go near it, the building itself reminding him too much of...