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  1. S

    Could use some prayer about now...

    It's been kinda a rough time lately... Things were going really great for me, and I've been closer to God this summer than I can remember ever being. Things change... I lost my best friend, the girl I've sought God so hard and so long to know that shes the one I'm meant to spend my life with...
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    I start high school tommorow. But considering I havnt been schooled since the 7th grade Im going in completely unprepared, educationally and socially, so Id appreciate any prayers.
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    Prayer Request

    Right now me and my sisters are trying to get custody of me and my younger brother taken from our parents and given to one of my sisters. It is a very long story, but, my parents are honestly just completely neglectful and psychologically abusive. My mother isnt even really honestly sane. Its...
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    I recently found out I have 3 diseases, I only know how to spell addisons and marfans out of the three though. They arnt pleasant to have and could even be fatal if certain things happen, so, Id appreciate any prayers you can offer.
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    Where did all the exciting topics full of complete and utter nonsense go? I cant find them! Ahhhhhhhhh!!
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    Prayer for surgery

    As some of you may remember, not too long ago my dad had a heart attack. He went in for a stress test today and theyve determined that have to go back in, so prayers would be appreciated.
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    Im going to go for as long as I can without sleeping, for no particular reason!!
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    Ban/kill/gag lionofjudah?

    Hes started making evil giant spam messages, this cant go unpunished! And he likes incubus and anime too! And he cheats at !!! And he likes anime!!!! We need justice!
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    Prayer request

    My father just went to the hospital, they think he might have had a heart attack. I'd just like everyone to pray that hes ok.
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    Must kill evil harrassing peoples

    If anyone actually plays kings of chaos anymore, please help me beat bulldog249 into a lifeless pile of gib, this guy attacks when neither of us have money just to be a dookie head. K thx bye.
  11. S

    What is your

    What is you shoe size!?!?!?
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    The human mind

    I have some questions for everyone. #1: When you think, do you think in sound, sight, or feeling? Possibly in more then one? #2: On average how many things are you thinking about and how often. #3: Do you ever have trouble sleeping because you cant stop thinking? #4: Have you been diagnosed...
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    &gt;_&lt; I have been trying to decipher what this smiley meant for some time now, I have determined it to be associated with a lack of fiber in ones diet.
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    Le olde poll

    le olde popeye, babe=babo, le olde typo
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    You might be a redneck if

    You might be a redneck if:If you been on the TV more then five times describing what the tornado sounded like-if someone asks to see your id and you show them your belt buckle-if you buy your wife earrings that double as fishing lures-if you thought the last 4 words of the start spangled banner...