New World!

I'm not trying to get in a fight or a debate. I'm sorry for what I said that offended or upset anyone.

Thank you BL for trying to include me in the server. I'm sorry I don't have the time right now to play and contribute.
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The residence plugin has been fixed, and is now working. I increased the max blocks you are allowed to have a residence in each direction. Lets just say you "shouldn't" run out, but if I see people abusing it, I will decrease it.. :)

I have also added the Residence addon to the map, so we can all see where everyone is. :)
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We should at some point know what ou consider abuse. Because if, lets say we want to build a massive castle, that could create a quite large residence foot print.

we are far enough away from each other that a 500x500 castle should not conflict, but we need to know if that falls under the abuse term.
Trying to set the creeper flag but it keeps saying flag invalid.

using this

/res set citadel creepers false

and it says invalid flag.
According to the residence wiki (, the flag should be "creeper", not "creepers". Try using that.

I think the concept of "abuse" means don't create a massive residence for no purpose. If you're building (or plannning to build) a 500x500 castle, that's fine. If you're creating a huge residence and setting monsters and creepers off just to have a safe place to idle, then that's borderline "abuse". Use the mod for the intent it was created - to protect your buildings and items. If whatever you're planning sounds like "abuse", either don't do it, or ask.

Keep in mind that you can probably expand your residence later ( So lock down what you need (or foresee needing in the immediate future), and expand it later as you build. The world is large enough that we shouldn't be building on top of each other anyways.

Just my two cents.
GRR!!! :mad:


Not mad anymore, TY Dchsknight

JGouldie said:
Keep in mind that you can probably expand your residence later ( So lock down what you need (or foresee needing in the immediate future), and expand it later as you build. The world is large enough that we shouldn't be building on top of each other anyways.

That works great, thanks for the link :cool:
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After much work I was able to set my residence. My apologies if I took too large of an area, since I picked an island, I had to extend the boundaries out to cover the whole thing.

Now, can we get access to the /tp command? I set the tp location in my residence but I can't use it to get back.
Now, can we get access to the /tp command? I set the tp location in my residence but I can't use it to get back.

Last time I checked, the /home command worked to teleport you to the location you were at when you used /sethome.

You can also use /tpa <player> to ask to be teleported to a player, who can then /tpaccept or /tpdeny your request.
Last time I checked, the /home command worked to teleport you to the location you were at when you used /sethome.

You can also use /tpa <player> to ask to be teleported to a player, who can then /tpaccept or /tpdeny your request.

You set you home tp by right clicking your bed...
Last time I checked, the /home command worked to teleport you to the location you were at when you used /sethome.

You can also use /tpa <player> to ask to be teleported to a player, who can then /tpaccept or /tpdeny your request.

Thanks for the first bit of information. There wasn't anyone on this morning when I tried to be fancy... And when I tried /tp it said I didn't have access to that command, so I doubt it would have worked in any case.

I also wanted to mention that if you don't change the settings, no one can use do anything in your residence. The flags are;


I turned everything on except for creeper and pvp.

For instance, I stopped by Mitch's place and I couldn't open the doors because use is set to false. If you click on the red boxes on the dynamic map (LOVE IT) it will show the settings for the residence.
I have another question.

I've been doing a bit of mining and I've found a lot of resources, plenty of iron, coal, redstone and even some emeralds, but I can't for the life of me find diamonds. I was told I was digging too deep so I started some shafts around level 12 but still nothing. Any suggestions?
We turned off diamonds this world due to them being OP.


I usually mine at level 12. Just keep going, I guess.
I found some diamonds starting at lvl 4...

Haven't used them.

We need a slime farm!!!!!!
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I have been trying to get ahold of BL on the Seed so we can find one but he has not responded to me at all.
so tested out the expansion tut. It works... very well. did not know it would do it that big. Not crazy well maybe.