Raid Rules and Information


New Member
Since questions are being asked everywhere and it would be nice to have things in one place. These things can change so please review this regularly. Any questions concerning these items, please post them and I will edit this post as time goes on.

Raid Participation
The only thing you need to do to participate in one of these raids is to be level 60, sign-up, be on time and ready at the instance by the appointed time.

Raid Sign-up
The instance we will be attempting will be posted in GuildAds/Gem no later than Sunday before the run. The time and amount of people required will be listed and if necessary limits will be placed. There will also be a sign-up sheet in the forums for those that do not have GuildAds/GEM to sign-up on, but it is highly recommended that you get GuildAds/GEM so that no mistakes can be made during the invites.

Raid Invites
Raid invites will begin 15 minutes before start of the raid and will be handled in 3 phases.
First phase – invites sent to those that signed up in GuildAds/GEM and forums (ie. 7:15)
Second phase – invites sent to friends of the raid participants (ie. 7:25)
Third phase – invites sent to anyone who did not sign-up or SGA members (ie. 7:30)

Other Raid Information
The raid will start promptly. If you sign up and know you will be late or can't make it please let me or an officer know. There is some leeway in how late you can be. This depends on the make up of the raid and how late you will be.

Loot Distribution
Loot will be set to Master Loot – Rare. Any greens are yours to do with as you please. Once all mobs are dead we will discuss and rare or epic drops. I prefer the be nice method, but unfortunately this gets more difficult as the raid level increases. We will discuss and role for the items drop. Remember, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. These raids will be a weekly thing and I am sure most items will drop more than once.
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I'd also like to make a recommendation. I brought this up to Adam this past Friday. I thought it was worth mentioning on here. Usually, for all of our runs, we start 30 minutes late. I don't know why this is, but we do. My suggestion? Instead of having the raid start at 7:30pm server time, have it start at 7pm. This way, if we are running late by 30 minutes, it will get started at the latest of 7:30pm. Just my thoughts on the matter.
Not to make anyone mad at me, but..... 7:30 is start time. I have edited the post above to give examples.