Sunday September 20, 2009


Former Official Thread Killer
Cross posted on the GFC Chapter a Day Bible Challenge thread

Proverbs 20:11 said:
11. Even a child is known by his actions, by whether his conduct is pure and right.

Last night my mom and I were discussing reputations and the like. The warehouse where I currently work did not have the greatest of reputations before I took over almost 15 months ago. Now people turn to me first for what they need. However when i describe it, I describe the warehouse as having the reputation, not as me. However my mom was quick to point out that it is my reputation attached to the warehouse that made people want to come to me first, not the warehouse itself.

Kids always have a reputation growing up. Some are bullies, some are said to become nerds later on, some are cry babies... The list could go on. (I was known as the "Gentle Giant" ) Our reputations mean a lot, we need to make sure that the younger generations realize just how important a reputation is. Being named "Most likely to party" is not a legacy I want, how about you?