Warcraft 3 Mapping


New Member
Hi folks
Was wondering if anyone here is interested in mapping.

Pics speak for themselves. Still a WIP. My apologies if not as accurate and detailed as the hardcore LOTR fans wish, but it is after all an aerial battleships game hosted by my friends at 13sA.




Thanks. This is the only project still in development by my studio. It is playable (link is in my sig) but far from complete. Most units and trigger systems are complete, now it is only the terraining and region specific triggering left to do.

Quick FAQ:

Why not starcraft 2?
No models, support for fantasy games, and max map size of 240x240, we need 480x480. When the time comes, we will port it over.

What about turbine's LOTRO?
INCOMPLETE! Doesn't even have minas tirith yet. Also, gameplay here will be twitch centric, would refrain from saying 100% twitch based. Most spells require active user aiming and releasing, and arrow key movement for airships and stuff.

AIRSHIPS? In my LOTR? More likely than you think!
Well, once again, for the sake of gameplay. Plus, it looks awesome from the air, from ground level warcraft looks like crap.

Thanks for listening pple.
that looks really good. I'd be interested to see what the triggers are.
thanks. We estimate RPG release end of year, the alpha/beta is already out (link is in my helms deep thread, click my sig)