TeamSpeak Wackiness 2 : Mirawyn gets grounded


New Member
Okay, after ensuring that this would not cause any social (or marital) problems for one of my new guildy-friends, I'm posting a link to my test file that I made with my new editing software. I needed the software because I forgot to stop recording after bible study and the hours of audio turned into well over a gigabyte of memory, which made my computer choke when trying to open in in Sound Recorder.

After the bible study several of us, mainly Mirawyn, Dredd, and myself had a nice long talk. It was nice... we laughed, we cried, we stayed up past our bed times, and we said things that could easily be taken out of context. One of us however, was able to edit out anything that would make himself look bad... and leave the rest feeling rather .... pwned...

This is a merger of the best parts of two conversations, so the random bit later on in the file isn't related.... just to be clear. So, it's not much, but I liked it...
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Hmmm...sounds like Mirawyn has some 'splaining to do about that whole "its a good thing my husband is asleep" deal...;)

In defense of Dredd Man, my wife made him say "Ich habe ein wurstchen an die nase" without telling him that it meant "I have a sausage on my nose". He wasn't just randomly telling people he had a sausage on his nose, as the recording would make it seem...


techwhosaysnee said:
Okay, after ensuring that this would not cause any social (or marital) problems for one of my new guildy-friends, I'm posting a link to my test file that I made with my new editing software. I needed the software because I forgot to stop recording after bible study and the hours of audio turned into well over a gigabyte of memory, which made my computer choke when trying to open in in Sound Recorder.

After the bible study several of us, mainly Mirawyn, Dredd, and myself had a nice long talk. It was nice... we laughed, we cried, we stayed up past our bed times, and we said things that could easily be taken out of context. One of us however, was able to edit out anything that would make himself look bad... and leave the rest feeling rather .... pwned...

So, it's not much, but I liked it....
Why Me?

So, am I getting picked on 'cause I'm a girl or because you know I'm good-natured enough to let you get away with it?
MaidMirawyn said:
So, am I getting picked on 'cause I'm a girl or because you know I'm good-natured enough to let you get away with it?

Just because it amused me.

Technically I asked you first. I hope it doesn't bother you... In this clip I actually was more amused with the random sausage comment.
MaidMirawyn said:
So, am I getting picked on 'cause I'm a girl or because you know I'm good-natured enough to let you get away with it?

Now you have my overly dramatic stress tendencies going, lol. I can remove it if it bugs you at all....
dorkelf said:
In defense of Dredd Man, my wife made him say "Ich habe ein wurstchen an die nase" without telling him that it meant "I have a sausage on my nose". He wasn't just randomly telling people he had a sausage on his nose, as the recording would make it seem...

Well, did Herr McCormick tell your German class what it meant before he taught y'all to say it? Because he sure didn't tell us!

Explanation: "Du hast ein wurstchen on die Nase" was one of the first things our German teacher taught every first-year German class on the first day. Once everyone could say it, he told them what it meant. We had the same German teacher, just one year apart. So it became a running joke among the German students at our high school.
techwhosaysnee said:
Now you have my overly dramatic stress tendencies going, lol. I can remove it if it bugs you at all....

Well, I think my reputation can survive...

I saw the first thread at lunch, so kept checking the boards when I got a chance. Since I'm in a shared office, it's a good thing I wore earbuds to listen to it: my face was red enough! :eek:

And since it really amused me, I don't think I can get upset... :D
MaidMirawyn said:
Well, I think my reputation can survive...

I saw the first thread at lunch, so kept checking the boards when I got a chance. Since I'm in a shared office, it's a good thing I wore earbuds to listen to it: my face was red enough! :eek:

And since it really amused me, I don't think I can get upset... :D

Okay good, one can never tell... you know... with women. Especially the ones you're just starting to know, and especially in print.

my wife made him say "Ich habe ein wurstchen an die nase" without telling him that it meant "I have a sausage on my nose". He wasn't just randomly telling people he had a sausage on his nose, as the recording would make it seem...

I sure am glad we got THAT straight.
Thanks Dorkself I pretty much new she was making me say something that would make me look stupid I did not care!!
Paul is probably going to leave ts up with it recording from now on, poor guy he goes to bed and misses all the fun.
Well, since someone *cough*Thrawn*cough* brought it up in the PvP forum, it seemed only fitting....

Fitting to derail an old thread. How would you feel if you were resting in your retirement home when a bunch of little kids came in and forced you to play baseball...
Wow, you just bumpzed an OLD thread.

Yeah, I thought she was a mesmer, not a necromancer... :D

Well, since someone *cough*Thrawn*cough* brought it up in the PvP forum, it seemed only fitting....

Ask a silly question, get a silly answer. :p

How would you feel if you were resting in your retirement home when a bunch of little kids came in and forced you to play baseball...

Glad for the opportunity to have a baseball bat in my hands, so I can beat little kids who bother old people.