Job Search(TM) 2006

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
As many of you know, I'm currently in my last semester of undergraduate classes. I'll graduate with my Bachelor's in Communication in May. That's the good news.

The bad news is that I'm not sure where I'm going to be working once I graduate. I only have six months after I graduate to start paying back student loans. Even before I have to start re-paying student loans, my wife and I have to survive the summer on a reduced budget.

I'll be applying at a local newspaper for a reporter position and an internship. If they accept me for the internship but not the reporter position, I'll start in September, but with no benefits. I currently have no health insurance, which is a serious concern, considering I may have ulcers.

I have one other lead I'm pursuing, but I'll need to revise my resume to apply for the job. I have a presentation this Thursday, so I won't be able to work on that until the weekend.

Please pray that the Lord provides me with a job. I don't want to graduate and then sit at home for three months looking for a job. Been there, done that. My periods of unemployment have been some of the worst times in my life and it's terrifying to think that I might have to go through a prolonged job search yet again.
on it.

that's something that's yet to come for me... well... kinda. i'll just say it's complicated, but it's not in my hands.

I'm still searching for a job. :( I really don't want to take a job in IT, but I might have to to pay the bills.

Still searching for a job. I have a few leads on short-term IT assignments, but little progress in finding a job in journalism.

My heart is heavy and I can feel fear creeping up on me. It's been three weeks since I graduated and I'm still not back to work.

Tek7 said:
I currently have no health insurance, which is a serious concern, considering I may have ulcers.
I posted an update about my ulcers in another thread, but I wanted to state here as well: I received treatment for my ulcers and they have not come back since.
Job searching...can be difficult/frustrating at times especially when you are in a position where you need a job.

We will be praying for you...everything will work out the way it is supposed to...
I have an interview with a local newspaper this afternoon. The interview is for freelance writing opportunities, not a full-time job, but freelance assignments could help me earn enough money to pay July's rent and bills (money we currently don't have).

I have another interview on Wednesday morning with a local computer repair company. While I'd prefer to start my career in journalism and leave IT behind, I may have to put my career on hold in order to pay the bills.

Please pray that I have favor at these interviews and that they go according to the Lord's will.

Please also pray that I am able to bear the heavy weight of this transitional period. It's very discouraging to wake up each day, spend the bulk of business hours applying for jobs, and still not have a job more than a month after graduating from college.
UPDATE: I have good news, and I have bad news.

The good news is that I'll be writing short articles for a local newspaper starting tomorrow evening. It isn't a full-time position, and I won't be considered an employee, but it's something. This will help ease the financial stress, though I'll still need a full-time job on top of this to pay the bills plus my student loans come November.

The bad news is that my wife and I miscalculated our budget. We thought we were clear until the middle of July; it turns out that right now, we don't have the money for her to take her board exams (payment for the test is due before the end of June), and we don't know how we're going to pay rent for July. Even if I were to start a job tomorrow, I likely wouldn't get a paycheck in time to pay for her test, not to mention the matter of rent for July.

Please continue praying that something will come through, so that my wife will be able to take the board exams and so that we'll be able to pay rent and other bills.

During this time, I probably won't be doing much administrative work for either Tribe of Judah or the Christian Gamers Alliance. While I feel bad for putting CGA and ToJ on the backburner, my first responsibility is to my wife and ensuring that we aren't evicted.

Please pray for continued favor; I'll be calling the state unemployment agency tomorrow.
a note about the student loans, it is possible for you to get a hardship deferral on them if your family does not bring in enough money.

but i will be praying as well
Kidan said:
a note about the student loans, it is possible for you to get a hardship deferral on them if your family does not bring in enough money.
Aye, we're going to apply for a hardship deferral after we consolidate (before July 1, when the rates will go up).

Kidan said:
but i will be praying as well
Thank you, and thank you to everyone else who's praying for me.

Another bit of good news: I wrote and submitted my first freelance article this evening. I'm eagerly awaiting feedback (which I'll likely receive tomorrow).

One more bit of good news: I have another interview scheduled tomorrow. So my Wednesday will be: one interview in the morning, one interview in the afternoon, and another freelance assignment in the evening. Going to be a busy day!
A few quick updates:
  • I've had two short articles published in the local newspaper so far. I wrote and submitted a third earlier tonight, but I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see if they decided to run it or not.
  • I had two job interviews on Wednesday. Both went well, and I should be hearing back from one potential employer either tomorrow or Monday.
  • My wife's parents and grandmothers are sending us enough money to cover the cost of her board exams.
So it looks like we can breathe a little easier now, though we're still in "lockdown" mode. No eating out, no purchasing Half-Life 2: Episode I, no deli meat, etc.

In short, things look like they're about to improve. I'll keep everyone posted. :)
Always praying. (Man I need to check out the forums more often..... Sorry for not posting sooner, :( )

You are in Gods hands now. Relax, enjoy being married, trust God. Thats all the advie I can give ya right now.

*Heads off to pray on walk home from work*
4 days since the last post here Tek...this is the first I've seen since I'm new.
I will include you in my prayers. Having been in shoes similiar to yours, I know how you feel. But God is on control and will never put more on us than we can handle...
My prayers are with you brother...
UPDATE: I started a new job today at a local computer repair company. During the two weeks of training, I'll be earning minimum wage ($5.15 an hour); after that, my pay rate goes up substantially. After I finish training, I believe I'll still work only part time hours (though I have to verify that information tomorrow). So, even though I'll be working as an on-site computer technician and I'll be writing articles for a local newspaper, I may need to take another job to pay the bills and the minimum payment on my school loans.