30 Minute Review: SoulCalibur Legends


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
30 Second Review (a.k.a. Abridged Version)
Namco's apology for not bringing SoulCalibur IV to the Wii isn't so much an apology as salt in the wound. An interesting concept that quickly leads to Waggle Flailing(TM) and buyer's remorse.

Full review

DISCLAIMER: I didn't buy this game. I didn't even pay money to rent it. No, I'm not using a modded Wii, nor did I shoplift the game. I used a free rental coupon at a Hollywood Video--one that I obtained fairly after buying a Nintendo DS Lite (a black one, in case you're curious).

SoulCalibur Legends, as mentioned in the Abridged Version, is essentially Namco's apology to Wii owners for not bringing SoulCalibur IV to the Wii.

Namco: You would have been better off slapping us in the face and telling us to buy a 360. At least that wouldn't cost gamers $50 USD.

To be fair, the concept of SoulCalibur Legends is an interesting one: Your motions correspond to the on-screen character. Swing your Wii Remote down to perform a vertical attack. Swing the Remote sideways for a horizontal attack. Swing the Nunchuck downward to dash forward; swing it upward to jump back. It's a cool idea.

Unfortunately, the level design confirms any fears you might have had that this game was a rushed budget title. Nearly every room I encountered was square or rectangular. Haven't played SoulCalibur Legends? Save yourself $50 for the game or $8 for a rental and read this instead:
  • Enter rectangular room A.
  • Wave the Wii Remote around to kill stuff.
  • Game spawns second group of enemies.
  • Wave the Wii Remote around to kill stuff.
  • Game spawns third group of enemies.
  • Wave the Wii Remote around to kill stuff.
  • Doors open.
  • Proceed to rectangular room B (which looks remarkably similar to room A).
  • Wave the Wii Remote around to kill stuff.
  • Rinse and repeat.
Seriously. Throw in boss battles and that's the game.

One of the stages is called an "arena." I guess Namco thought that made it okay to keep the players on a round stone floor for the entire stage. I'm not kidding. The whole stage.

Those of you who love the 3D Gauntlet games should avoid this game like the plague. Seriously, this game makes the level design in GUNZ look like Renaissance art.

The sudden increase of difficulty doesn't help, either. (Yeh, I'm talkin' about that flying dragon at the end of the second or third stage.)

This is yet another example of a Wii game with a great concept and poor execution. If Namco had actually hired level designers instead of throwing together simple shapes and respawning skeletons with spears, this could have been really cool.

Don't get me wrong--the game is fun...for about 10 minutes. After that, you realize the game is essentially a tech demo (think Quake 3 minus competitive multiplayer and without the ability to mod the game).

But, truth be told, I can't stay mad at Namco. I'll probably be pricing 360s as soon as they announce a release date for SoulCalibur IV--because they know that the legion of SoulCalibur fans would storm their office and club them into submission with Nerf bats if they released SCIV half-baked like they did with SoulCalibur Legends.

Save your money and go buy The Orange Box for the PC (if you haven't already).
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By the way, I can't take credit for the "salt in the wound" comment. That one belongs to my wife. She refused to finish even a single stage because the camera in co-op mode was so bad. And this is the same woman who played SoulCalibur III with me until her hands hurt.
It's what happens when companies rely on titles to sell games, do a half decent job and expect fans to buy the game then take the pain in stride when the game sucks.
It's what happens when companies rely on titles to sell games, do a half decent job and expect fans to buy the game then take the pain in stride when the game sucks.

Technically, thats Wii's problem.

All of their games use the control scheme to have them fun, enjoyable and alot of movement.

I'd prefer a controller or a guncon than a device that acts like a weapon but looks like a TV remote.

To me, the whole Wii control scheme seems bad for the games that are popular on the previous console systems.

For instance here, Soul Calibur. It looks hard to do Nightmare's Sword Slash attack when pushing buttons and "winching" or "slashing" the Wii controller. :confused:
Technically, thats Wii's problem.
Maybe, I think it is mostly people developing on the wii controller like it is *just* a joystick, which it isn't that good at.

All of their games use the control scheme to have them fun, enjoyable and alot of movement.

I'd prefer a controller or a guncon than a device that acts like a weapon but looks like a TV remote.
It does take getting used to, especially certain FPS games where you feel like you had too much alcohol...

To me, the whole Wii control scheme seems bad for the games that are popular on the previous console systems.

For instance here, Soul Calibur. It looks hard to do Nightmare's Sword Slash attack when pushing buttons and "winching" or "slashing" the Wii controller. :confused:
The problem is that a lot of people have to "cheat" the controller and use their wrists or fingers to provide more procise control and end up ruining the positioning for mashing buttons. Even worst when you factor in the wii's out of bounds problems for the controller, often it will send you spinning all over the place until you correct it.
Our beef isn't with the controls, but with the game itself. Anyone going into the game knows of course it'll be much different than any SC game before. Tek thought the controls were great (I didn't play long enough to say very well what I think of the controls...but I can say the controls didn't put me off--it was EVERYTHING else). We don't even have a problem with the Wii graphics, either. We know the Wii isn't about graphics, but about fun and unique game play. And we understand that the next SC game is going to be all about the graphics that the Wii can't handle...I'm sure SC4 will be amazing on any of the other next-gen consoles.

The point is, based on the concept alone, it could have been a really fun game. But it wasn't. They didn't even try. Everything about the actual game play is abysmal. Which is sad...one would hope that they could take the quality they put into a regular SC game and at least approach that with something a little different.

Wow, those 2 letters really confuse me from 2 different, popular games. :confused:


I can understand with the controls, getting used to from NES rectangle to PS2 2-hand grip controller took a while.

Personally, I'm not a SoulCalibur fan.

I'm a Street Fighter fan. I'm into the old 2D fighting types than the new 3D ones.

So, really, I shouldn't agree or disagree since I ain't a SoulCalibur fan nor I own a Wii.
My vote is for mortal combat. It's not fun unless there's an unnecessary amount of blood and gore. I just wish the fatalities weren't so difficult to perform!
My vote is for mortal combat. It's not fun unless there's an unnecessary amount of blood and gore. I just wish the fatalities weren't so difficult to perform!

It is obviously not fun unless it takes 20+ key combinations and a near impossible time limit.
I'll probably be pricing 360s as soon as they announce a release date for SoulCalibur IV--because they know that the legion of SoulCalibur fans would storm their office and club them into submission with Nerf bats if they released SCIV half-baked like they did with SoulCalibur Legends.

Save your money and go buy The Orange Box for the PC (if you haven't already).

I'm really looking forward to playing Soul Calibur on my 360! When the day comes that you get a 360, my gamertag is Pelagren. If you do get a 360 at some point, check out Virtua Fighter 5 as well. I love it!!!

By the way, I rented Orange Box. I played through portal and loved it, played a few games of Team Fortress 2 and hated it (i'm gonna give it another shot before taking it back), and I haven't taken the time to try out Halflife 2 or either Episode yet. I know I'll like the story portions of the game, but Team Fortress 2 just isn't my play style. I was hoping for something more along the lines of Counterstrike, Call of Duty 4, or Rainbow Six. I liked the original Team Fortress, but TF2 was just to silly and cartoony for me. As I said, I'm going to give it another shot before returning it though,
my dad and I have decided that our combined Christmas gift for each other is to combine money and get an Xbox 360. The Wii is GREAT for its innovation. BUT... it lacks the essintial game play that normal console games have. Thus... if we want sports games... we have to get a Xbox 360, or if we want a one on one fighting game... we have to get an Xbox 360... etc...

BTW... for my curiousity... is the proper term : an Xbox... or is it : a Xbox? they both sound right (maybe considering xbox is pronounced "ex-box" )
BTW... for my curiousity... is the proper term : an Xbox... or is it : a Xbox? they both sound right (maybe considering xbox is pronounced "ex-box" )
I would say "a Xbox," but that's just one grammarian's opinion.


Speaking to the issue of controls: As Ember mentioned, I had no problems with the controls. I actually thought they were quite fun.