Gear goals by Class for Raiding


New Member
It seems like we've had some new 70s and newly aspiring raiders wanting to know about requirements and/or goals for gear to be raiding. While ultimately you should consult your class leader, if you're looking for just general targets to hit, I wanted to refresh this old post (some of this is dated ... for instance these MP5 numbers are pre-2.3 so they're lower than you should be able to hit with any decent spirit level). However, this gives everyone an idea both of the stats that should matter to your class/role in raiding and what numbers you should be looking to hit.

Kara Standards

25-Man (post-Gruul) Standards
Yes, actually my plan is to revisit the priest requirements in the very very near future for both healing and dps. Of course the person I was hoping to get idea's from decided to quit on to you qman, boo to you. (just ribbing you)
Just an FYI for the maintainers of the standards. Tankadin health stats can be put closer in line with their warrior tank brethren now that 2.3 introduced a 10% increase to stamina talent.
Just an FYI for the maintainers of the standards. Tankadin health stats can be put closer in line with their warrior tank brethren now that 2.3 introduced a 10% increase to stamina talent.

I'm going to wait to spec tank until I have a decent set. There is nothing more frustrating as a healer to heal an undergeared pally tank. I don't want to be that guy.

Plus it seems like we need healing more than tanks. We have lots of good tanks right now. Right?
Plus it seems like we need healing more than tanks. We have lots of good tanks right now. Right?

Invariably, whatever someone identifies as the "more needed" class/role ... be it healers, tanks, hunters, blindeye mage tanks, dog-banishing locks, or poly-immune oomkins ... we'll end up having plenty of for the next 2 raids, but then something else we'll be short on. There's some incredible Murphy's Law that plays in.

In general, yes, healers are where we seem to be shortest. It's kind of funny ... historically we've lived to the stereotype that you'd expect for a Christian guild and had an abundance of priests and pallies. Pre-BC, shadow spec was a rarity ... usually even a 40-man raid would only take along one ... and priests were healers more than tanks. Post-BC, we had a lot more pallies go prot and ret and a lot more priests go shadow.

Pallies are clearly our bread and butter healers (seems than whenever I log on and see a raid in progress, more than half the healers are always pallies), and we seem to have been ok on healers the last few weeks ... as a general rule, by speccing AWAY from healing any class is likely to decrease their raid time. But like all general rules, there can be exceptions that make the rule-proclaimer seem like a ninny...
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Um, Gilga I'm not sure where you get this info...but having to have people play alts or having people respec to cover healing doesn't make me think we are good on healing.

As far as tanks go, when it comes to 10 or 25 man raids we have plenty of tanks, half the time I don't play Mordos so other players can bring there tanks. The days of 4-5 tanks in Gruul is gone.
But like all general rules, there can be exceptions that make the rule-proclaimer seem like a ninny...
Gilga -> Ninny
Mordos -> Ninny-maker

I was basing my "recently we seem to be ok" comment on
1) When I've logged on for nights when there were scheduled raids, the raids actually seemed to be proceeding (meaning they weren't being canceled for lack of healers)
2) When I've logged on during raid nights, I'm not getting ninja invites within 5 seconds to fill a missing healer slot
... but, you're right, I wasn't really paying attention to who might not be playing their preferred toon or spec and it was a pretty coarse analysis. And definitely, prior to Christmas, it seems like healer shortages were really hurting things and it's not like we've gained 10 healers in the meantime or something. Rather than saying we were good on healers, I maybe should have said that we were merely short, rather than critically short, on healers.

Definitely, in general, we're short on healers and long on dps. And again, if we're talking about "guild raiding needs," speccing away from healing doesn't help there.
I'm going to wait to spec tank until I have a decent set. There is nothing more frustrating as a healer to heal an undergeared pally tank. I don't want to be that guy.

Plus it seems like we need healing more than tanks. We have lots of good tanks right now. Right?

don't you need to have an active account to respec? :D
i understand the whole healer situation is bearing down on the guild slightly at this point . this guild is progressing at a good rate to what i have seen and heard recently seeing as of next patch BT/Hyjal are losing there attunement requirement and we get our chance to venture into those raids before lichking xpac comes . to help though i am only 1 healer out of many within the guild , im willing to raid with brugalin and get no gear if it maybe so. we have people who are raiding every week that deserve the chance to see those types of raids being completed as we continue our quest to play WoW under the name of our lord , Jesus Christ.
wow! venturing into BT without completing SSC and TK sounds like a REALLY BRIGHT IDEA. lol
Go Go Magic Healing Pants!!! :D

Sunwell, Black Temple here we come!!! Wooot. I think we could do it our raiders are good.. It may take a bit but, we could do it:)