Do you ever wonder?


New Member
Guys (and gals): do you ever wonder where in the world some ToJ'ers got their handles?  I mean, what makes Elite so elite?  Crazy legs?? El Penguino???  I don't think I've ever seen an amused toe before...and what on Earth (or maybe not on Earth  
) is a Mahfrot?

So I was thinkin that y'all could post kinda explaining where you all got your handles from!

So I'll start then.  Mine's not too hard, and I'm sure a lot of you recognized it; TastyWheat is a cereal brought up in the movie The Matrix when that kid on the sewer-ship-thingy is reminiscing...I originally used it with my old clan the Cereal Killers (catchy eh?), of whom Frosted Flakes and Mahfrot (who was then known as CocoaPuffs) also belonged.

mine is a tad more esoteric than that.

I used to have aspirations towards a job in some comics related field, and a character design I came up with I needed a name for. So I opened up the dictionary and found one. The only problem is I wasn't wearing my glasses, so instead of Kidron (A river in Isreal) I saw Kidan
well... mine is partly from SC but one day I was looking up the Zealot in the dictionary and I found this

One who is zealous, especially excessively so.
A fanatically committed person.

And I thought it fit me so I used that.
you are the #1 nub of all time zelly

Anyway, my former nom de plume, CocoaPuffs is easier to explain...first cereal I thought of for the cK clan.

Now as for doesn't mean anything. I was playing UT with my old youth pastor, and I said "Drew, I need a good nick, can ya come up w/anything?" So he randomly hit a few letters, and Mahfrot is what came out!

Sorry for those of you who expected a better story
mine is a term usually applied to Jesus i beleave in the NT, and its pretty reconizedable by non christians so when i started playing D2( its an on and off thing it is really boring), SC/Bw and Wc3 i get alot of "hey isnt that Jesus" and the usually reply is "yeah How did you know" and that opens up a discussion 78% of the time. Infact i was playing in a Wc3 game and a guy asked about ToJ so yeah i think he came and joined i know he has been in the channel a few times.
Mine comes from my last name... "Slayman".  Being in the military, where folks love to give you nicknames & callsigns, I've been given dozens of various nicknames over the years because of it... "Slay", "Slaydog",
"Slaydoggy", "Slayer"... they never seem to end.
Mine is from the christian metal band Demon Hunter. Not to original to name yourself after music, but heh i liked the name and their music r0x0|2s!

Well lets see. If you break the name down you have two basic parts, amused and toe. As you can see that leads us to believe that I might jus be a toe who's amused but none can say for sure. Also there's FlyingToeOfDeath where you have a giant toe that swoops down from the sky onto your head all whilst P90'ing wildly. Then there's Mrs.Snuggles who's simply the husband of Mr.Snuggles. Then there's |pnf(@*)mL7|31_G which you all lack the "1337atude" to understand. And that's but a few of the many polymorphic forms of the wild north american toe.

I havnt got any idea why I picked this name, it was a mistake, really. Remind me to change my name.
Oh i can do my other names too....

Rizz - rizzo rat from muppets you know that

SpaceMonkey - from the scene in Fight Club where the project mayhem guys are getting shaved and Brad Pitt explains they are like a load of monkeys ready to be shot into space... go forth my space monkeys !!

GhostWhoWalks - From the Defenders of the earth cartoon the alt name for the phantom, i was given this cos i have a cary ability to walk up to people while their talking and stand there for a long time before they notice me. I think the record is about 5 mins.
For me, Marker was the primary name I'd use when MUDding. This is the type of game which is the text precusror to Everquest/DAoC etc. Anyway, in these types of games you can give yourself a title. Mine was "Marker the Machine" because I was an XPing/killing machine. Always after that goal of experience.

This translates pretty well over to FPS's that I'm good with - in BF1942 (which is what I primarily play now) the machine portion refers to the singleminded tenacity with which I persue the goal of capping flags and defeating my opponents.

My other title, when I was feeling whimsical, was "Not Crayon". hehe
final fantasy 7 is my second favorite final fantasy, in my favorite, the main character's name is cecil

so i decided cloud, from ff7
After taking 5 1/2 years of Spanish, this is what resulted. My old nick comes from the A-Team obviously. I liked being called Mister.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Cloud @ Jan. 12 2003,7:21)]final fantasy 7 is my second favorite final fantasy, in my favorite, the main character's name is cecil  

so i decided cloud, from ff7  
HEHE Cecil rocks strong magic and normal attack, HEHE gengi glove and the Xattack thing she owned UP!! atma weapon+Ragnork oh yeah i miss the good ol days good thing i got FF3 on my SNES yeah thats right SNES my only consoul system hehe
and i got the FF3 from a friend for like 5 bucks which makes it all better too