Show off your UI


New Member
I'm an admitted add-on freak when it comes to MMOs, and am always looking for ideas for new and better mods and ways to make my UI more usable while staying fairly low-clutter. I thought we needed a place to compare notes.

Here's my current setup:


Mods of note are:

Waaaghbar Continue
Pure Unit Frames
Warhammer Scrolling Combat Text
SNT Buttons
Nerfed Buttons
Debuff Alert!
Equipment Sets

Show off what you're using so that I can steal ideas. :D
Whats the name of the mod that kind of looks like wow's titan panel that puts the info at the top of the screen, also whats the mod that downloads our info to wardb and keeps your signature up to date i forgot? Any other
mods that are must have please list I dont want to go mod crazy but just coming back there is many many more than before and I dont want to down load junk.


Had to edit for this, whats the one that gives square map that looks nice as well! : )

Wow I feel like such a Noob!
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Waaaghbar Continue is the Titan-type mod that I use. Ewoks uses SNT Bar, I believe.

Curse Client is the other one you mentioned. It makes managing your add-ons incredibly easy.
What mod do you use for your warband? That doesn't look like Squared....or maybe it is prettied up? Looks a bit better than least aesthetically.
Ewok, couple q's, what unit frame mod do you use? I really like how the wb frames look. second what bar mod do you use? your bar (quickbar) looks like Badwins, but just wanna check, I really like it.
oh and here's a pic of mine, I like things simple and clean. the debuffs you see are from 1 blackguard!@!! it's nuts how much they can debuff you.

The top bar is SNTinfo (used to be SNTbar) they updated it again last night adding money and a minimenu. I really love the SNT developer, he makes some great mods, like Badwin and my hot bars. (SNTbuttons) and SNTcast bar.

The WB frames are squared. I moved around the icon and changed the dimensions and added the HP% number. I had the lvl in the top left corner but for some reason it refreshed all the time and looked wierd flashing in combat.

The unit frames are Pure and they also manage the buffs/debuffs for me as well as the large life bars above the mobs. This really helps finding who you are targeting in a pile of players.
Ewoks, what is the heads up one we have? It shows who you have cast over time spells on above their head with a timer? It is tremendous for healing.

I will need to give SNTinfo a try.