Ranger and navyseal squad members


New Member
Ok heres the announcement that youve been waiting for. The team listing for the new Ranger and NavySeal squads that replace the B team.

Remember you dont have to have a different nametag. But when we scrim you might want to adopt Professional Tags Which you can read about in the A team forum (passwords will be emailed to members).

Ok now the lists.....

Ranger Team Leaders..
Creshinbon and Rizz
Ranger Team members
Mahfrot, Frosted, Demonhunter, Amusedtoe, Amorphus, Izip, Wedge, Chaossniper.

Navyseal Team leaders
Zealot and Rizz
Navyseal Team members
Humbucker, Exodus, Cheiftain, Lithonis, spaceghost, elihu, chickn-dreamer, drummergirl.

So there you go. Please reply to this with your ToJ name and email if you want to be put on the waiting list. You will be put wherever the hole is..lol
Very very interesting. Though instead of these 1337 military groups for our names I do believe that like Llama Team and G0pher Team woulda suited us better as Z would probably agree. :-D

yh3y! I'm on Cresh's t33m! 1337!

I wanna be the Marines! Marines! Marines! Marines!
w00t im on a team lol z and rizz are our leaders how kool hehe

god bless

..............................C TEAM RULES!!!! lol

I went with the SEAL and Ranger idea cause me n rizz came up with it together... <3... ROFL
I'll take anything 'cept the generic bullpoo (A,B,C,1,2,3)
imanavyseal....imanavyseal...imaNAAAAAVYSEAL!!!! (does the dorky looking navy seal team dance)!!
LOL i think the Navy is being dropped due to popular opinio9n and its just seals.

The names are in any order sheesh. You know ho wlong it took me to sort this out
Cool ppl are listed last!! Woo hoo! And three cheers for rizz-o...the greatest sorter outer of all things!!!!
ok...GRRRRRRRRRRR (hugging rizz's neck and waiting for everyone else to join in) RRRRRRR!! There ya go Rizz!