Missing some long-standing guildies

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New Member

As many of you have noticed, two of the Redeemed's most long-standing guildiesare no longer members in the guild. Goblit and Avesther were with Redeemed from the very earliest days on Stonemaul ... and even before there was a Stonemaul server. Countless among us experienced our first raids under Goblit's and/or Avesther's leadership, or got help from them finishing up some tricky elite quest, or got coordinates on where some odd NPC was located from them, or got some 1337 theorycraft advice from them. For a long time, they've been friends, mentors, organizers, and advisors for us.

However, guilds and relationships evolve. Increasingly, conflicts regarding guild policies and practices came to overshadow the positives of the relationship. The guild's leadership struggled to incorporate Goblit and Avesther's experience, wisdom, and energy in a way that bettered the guild, but more often what resulted instead was confusion and contradiction. In the end, in an extremely difficult decision, the guild's officers decided that the best path forward for the guild was to part company with Goblit and Avesther. Goblit and Avesther were not given a choice in this, which obviously makes it all the tougher. But the decision of the guild's leadership was that this was a necessary step and the right thing for the future of Redeemed.

I'm sure that some of you do not understand what could have precipitated such action and perhaps suspect some underhanded power play. I can tell you there was nothing of the sort. It is our hope that the guild continues to believe that on difficult judgement calls, that the officers get it right more than wrong and that the officers do their best to take the Godly path rather than the convenient and easy one.

Thank you all for your patience, and thank you to Goblit and Avesther for all they have done for Redeemed.

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