Demon's Souls: Past the hype


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
Demon's Souls has now been on sale on Amazon for $15 THREE times. I'm probably going to pass it on it yet again, but after reading some of the...less flattering reviews of the game on Amazon, I have to ask those who own Demon's Souls:

Is it practical for someone who typically plays games for 30-90 minutes at a time to purchase, play, and enjoy this game?

I'm not so much concerned about difficulty. (If I were, I wouldn't have purchased Mega Man 9 the day it was released.) My main concern is wasting time.

It's one thing to die in a boss battle and have to start over on that boss. It's another thing altogether to have to find, re-earn, and re-equip gear THEN travel to the boss location THEN fight the boss again.

In short: I don't play games that waste my time. At least, not for long. It's one reason I quit playing MMOs: Instead of watching the back side of my character for 10 minutes while he runs from point A to point B, I could have played 3 rounds of Tetris on my cell phone. The time:fun ratio just doesn't compute.

Even if the mid-game or late game is amazing, I don't want to farm for items, grind levels, or otherwise spend my time gaming doing something that feels like work.
Christmas destroyed what money I had... else... I'd be buying that right now. Seriously. o_O

Unfortunately, I haven't played it, so I can't actually help you with your question. Sorry.
Is it practical for someone who typically plays games for 30-90 minutes at a time to purchase, play, and enjoy this game?


It's been quoted that one could run through the whole game in 5 hours if you know what you're doing. It takes a while to beat like old NES games take a while - if you die. As far as starting over, yes you do redo the stages, though that is part of the fun.

So while you won't be able to replay a boss battle over and over, the stages only take 15-30 minutes once you know what you're doing. And it's that "figuring out what you're doing" that is the fun. Worst thing you'd run into IMO is "aw shoot, 10 minutes of play time left and no time to redo that stage"...but you could still run around and kill stuff for gold/etc.
My main question is the content, what kind of enemies and bosses are you facing? How much of the fantasy can be seen as real world occult?
My main question is the content, what kind of enemies and bosses are you facing? How much of the fantasy can be seen as real world occult?

I wouldn't say any more than any other fantasy game, though this game does have sort of a grainy "real world" feel to it. I'd recommend checking out some youtube vids though, since it really comes down to personal conviction.