Questions about the Christian Gamers Alliance TeamSpeak 3 server


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
Do you have questions about the CGA TeamSpeak 3 server? Are you having trouble connecting to the CGA TS3 server?

Then post your questions here and Joshinator or other TeamSpeak users will try to help.
So, um, who's usually on when and where?
I'm getting life back "in order" so time is beginning to become available again.
I'll be honest, I'm mainly looking for some MC chat, but obviously one can not live on MC alone!
So, um, who's usually on when and where?
I'm getting life back "in order" so time is beginning to become available again.
I'll be honest, I'm mainly looking for some MC chat, but obviously one can not live on MC alone!
I dunno, if one was going to pick just one game to play, I think Minecraft might be a good choice. :)

I'm not on the TeamSpeak server that often these days (because I turn into a chatterbox whenever I'm on), but others may be able to chime in regarding when they use the server.

In the meantime, I recommend bookmarking the following address:

That page will show you, in real time, who's on the server and what channel they're using.
That's pretty kewl. Thanks!
I'm part Dr, I have lots of patience to watch and wait for replies!
I'll pop in when I can, for sure!
The server doesn't get the use it once did. The ToJ GW2 chapter doesn't encourage its use (nor the forums, apparently). They've been using another service (I think it's called Discord?) . :(
Are you LoE in GW2? If so that only makes 5 of us who have ever dipped their itty bitty toes in. And for current users I think you would be the only LoE.
ive started using it with my small group students for HOTS >.>
in some channels, can we up the speech quality?
Heroes of the Storm and Minecraft.

I've gotten up to 8 people in the HOTS and consistently 4 in the minecraft :)