Star Wars: The Old Republic Has Lost 400,000 Subscribers Since February

This is the problem now isn't? Players want to level quickly and have lots of great content.

It is near impossible to keep up with the thirst players have to explore new places and over come in raids. I am afraid it is what will kill the MMO or bring back the more grinding elements of leveling.
Ehh.. I unsubscribed because ME3 came out and GW2 beta was announced.
Unsubed due to issues I had with game mechanics not making grouping a very big deal, felt more like a solo game that you could play some co-op in. This was my primary concern for it.
This is the problem now isn't? Players want to level quickly and have lots of great content.

Unsubed due to issues I had with game mechanics not making grouping a very big deal, felt more like a solo game that you could play some co-op in. This was my primary concern for it.

I think you're both correct, but also the game has more bugs than any other game I have ever played. SWTOR blows WoW's first few months out of the water in terms of how many bugs there are and how little Bioware has done to fix them. In the hard mode in one of the end-game dungeons, Eternity Vault, the end boss (Soa) summons orbs of force that chase you until they explode. If people die from the orbs, the orbs should also die, instead they blow up but remain invisible and they go to the next person with the highest threat (usually a healer for some reason). Bioware at first recognized this as a bug but then stated that the encounter was operating as intended.

A few weeks ago, the Republic and Imperial Fleets had a constant and loud roaring sound in the background. Bioware took their own sweet time to fix that.

Today, after the patch from yesterday, everyone's relics they got from collecting 3 matrix shards were gone from their characters.

When Bioware fixes one thing they break more things. It is truly stunning how poorly Bioware is handling SWTOR. It's equally stunning that the game still has 1.3 million subs.

Along with a cascade of bugs is the insanity that is the balance between the classes. For the longest time, Sorcerers/Sages made the best healers because they never ran out of their resources... consequently they were also one of the best DPS classes. This changed in patch 1.2 when they nerfed Sorcerer's/Sage's healing, but they also nerfed both of the other healers as well - so Sorc/Sages are still the best healers. It's important to note that 1.2 has only been out for a month, and the game has been around since December. Some of these problems have been around for five months.

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I ended my subscription because
1: I ran out of money and
2: I couldn't level up past lvl 27-30, it's like I hit a super-grind wall and couldn't get through it.
Reasons for unsubbing for me:

1). It felt like I was playing a "skeleton" of a game. Didn't raise any real bars for the end, all the focus on story didn't carry the load. Gameplay is where it's at.
2). PvP was 'meh.' (Major issue for me)
3). Same old quests.
4). Didn't feel like I had much to look forward to on my toon, so why was I leveling?
5). Huge emphasis on upcoming features that should have been in the game at release.
6). Way too invested in WoW to ever give a thought to unsubbing for a product with significantly fewer features.
7). Wish the game could have had some fun sandbox elements.
It's equally stunning that the game still has 1.3 million subs.

I think this may be misleading. I am still counted as a subbed account even though I quit, uninstalled, and stopped playing in March. My time was not going to run out on my account until the April billing cycle, but they gave me a free 30 days before my time ran out, extending the time they can count me as a sub until the May billing cycle (the 20th I believe). I think they did this less to appease the customers, and more to keep their sub numbers artificially inflated for the next quarterly report.

So, if I'm interpreting this correctly, these 400,000 that left since Feb are actually only players whose prepaid time ran out before the March billing date. I believe this to be players that quit between Jan 20th and March 19th. Anyone that quit after paying their bill on March 20th got time paid ahead until April 20th, but before April 20th came around they handed out a free month to everyone, extending the time they can be counted as a paying sub until May 20th.
i un-subbed.... wait... i never started >.>

Sadly this doesnt surprise me that much, this is the most common issue MMOs have like Icthus said, feels like a korean/jp MMO that came up and died at the same time.

long live gw >.>
All MMO's lose players a month or two after game is immune. Even GW2 will have a drop in players loggin in.

However games that have a sub to play model have to maintain x # of subs in order to pay for improvements and what not. Games that have the free to play model are not dependent on the same issues and in fact will not have a sub issue as they do not count as subs.

SO your right players will stop playing GW2 after a few weeks if they do not like it but they will always have the option to come back and spend money even a little bit at any point because they are not held to the same sub issues.

The pay to play model and the free to play model are in odds on these points.
400k is a tremendous amount to lose, but Bioware has done little to keep subs around. When I first heard Bioware was developing TOR I thought it would be the best game ever. Bioware is a fantastic game making company, but what they released as TOR seemed more like an Alpha than even a Beta. It's not what I was expecting; way too many bugs for a developer like Bioware. I think it should have been in development for another 6 months minimum.

But then again, maybe I'm spoiled from Anet. In which case Bioware has failed to reach the bar set by the competition.
Thank you for justifying my decision to not buy and subscribe to the game. Sounds like someone spent a little too much time on the trailers (which are beautiful) and not enough time on the game mechanics.
SW:TOR looked great and sounded like fun - but, on principle, I don't pay to play a game I paid for.
I think most of that 400,000 dropped in February after their second paid month. I noticed a big drop on Warriors of the Shadow that month. Also noticed a drop in March on Vrook Lamar where the ToJ Republic guild is located.

I'm in a secular guild now on The Harbinger that generally has around 70 people on each evening and around 300 on the fleet. I'm seeing a lot of newbie type questions in guild chat and planet chat, indicating that at least some people are new to the game. I've been back to Vrook Lamar a couple of times over the past couple of weeks and it seems like the population there has stabilized and is even growing a bit. One planet had double the players compared to when I left that server.

I'm not one who likes to level cap within a couple of weeks. I enjoy the journey and feel that SWTOR is the most content-rich game I've played. I'm not the type to keep hitting the spacebar to skip all the dialog.

My highest toon on my current server is only 34. I started him in early April and level a couple of alts when his rest points run out. Once I hit 50, maybe I'll experience some of the bugs you guys are talking about. My biggest complaint was not being able to adjust the interface. They fixed that with 1.2. My next biggest complaint is minimal customization for characters. Otherwise, I'm not seeing the major bugs that everyone is talking about. I never heard the noise on the fleets. I don't have a Matrix cube yet.

I would like to see SWTOR go F2P. At least in Aion, when it was P2P, I got rewards each month that I could use in game. With SWTOR, there's nothing. I would like SWTOR to follow GW2's F2P model where I could voluntarily spend some money periodically and get gold, gear and other things.

I dislike PvP, which is part of why I left Warriors of the Shadow. It seems all the PvP lovers have congregated on The Fatman server where they can gank each other all day long. Whether a game is considered to have great PvP or not doesn't matter to me. Part of why I left Aion is the PvP gank fest.

I have two months left in my SWTOR sub. I'll continue to play and enjoy the game. I haven't decided whether to renew or not. GW2 will probably be released by then, but I didn't enjoy the GW2 beta at the end of April as much as I thought I would, so I may continue to play SWTOR.

I think the biggest problem is people like to complain and they will find something to complain about no matter what. The same will happen with GW2. I suspect that the same people who dropped Aion, Rift, SWTOR and other MMOs after a couple of months, will also drop GW2.
This is what frustrates me. This is the first time I've managed to max out a character. I've played EQ, ShadowBane and WoW and the story is usually the same. I get to mid levels, can't find guildies on when I need to complete quests to level and end up grinding over sized rats for weeks on end just to gain a level.

SWTOR is the first game where I feel I can level adequately without puging or having to have guild support. When I started I played the heroics and flashpoints but now I can't find groups for those.

The stories keep me coming back despite the fact I can't experience half of the content. It just seemed to me that the majority of players maxed out their characters, ran an OP then quit. As far as I can tell CfD only managed one OP. Sadly, I've seen this in every game I've played.
I think most of that 400,000 dropped in February after their second paid month. I noticed a big drop on Warriors of the Shadow that month. Also noticed a drop in March on Vrook Lamar where the ToJ Republic guild is located.

I'm in a secular guild now on The Harbinger that generally has around 70 people on each evening and around 300 on the fleet. I'm seeing a lot of newbie type questions in guild chat and planet chat, indicating that at least some people are new to the game. I've been back to Vrook Lamar a couple of times over the past couple of weeks and it seems like the population there has stabilized and is even growing a bit. One planet had double the players compared to when I left that server.

I'm not one who likes to level cap within a couple of weeks. I enjoy the journey and feel that SWTOR is the most content-rich game I've played. I'm not the type to keep hitting the spacebar to skip all the dialog.

My highest toon on my current server is only 34. I started him in early April and level a couple of alts when his rest points run out. Once I hit 50, maybe I'll experience some of the bugs you guys are talking about. My biggest complaint was not being able to adjust the interface. They fixed that with 1.2. My next biggest complaint is minimal customization for characters. Otherwise, I'm not seeing the major bugs that everyone is talking about. I never heard the noise on the fleets. I don't have a Matrix cube yet.

I would like to see SWTOR go F2P. At least in Aion, when it was P2P, I got rewards each month that I could use in game. With SWTOR, there's nothing. I would like SWTOR to follow GW2's F2P model where I could voluntarily spend some money periodically and get gold, gear and other things.

I dislike PvP, which is part of why I left Warriors of the Shadow. It seems all the PvP lovers have congregated on The Fatman server where they can gank each other all day long. Whether a game is considered to have great PvP or not doesn't matter to me. Part of why I left Aion is the PvP gank fest.

I have two months left in my SWTOR sub. I'll continue to play and enjoy the game. I haven't decided whether to renew or not. GW2 will probably be released by then, but I didn't enjoy the GW2 beta at the end of April as much as I thought I would, so I may continue to play SWTOR.

I think the biggest problem is people like to complain and they will find something to complain about no matter what. The same will happen with GW2. I suspect that the same people who dropped Aion, Rift, SWTOR and other MMOs after a couple of months, will also drop GW2.

I think I will be joining you (what faction?) on The Harbenger soon. I haven't experienced many bug, and nothing that would keep me from playing (no weird sounds just Kira seems to like to keep her lightsaber on all the time, even on the ship). The PvP stuff bugs me too. At first it was ok, but now all that are left seem to be griefers.
I think most of that 400,000 dropped in February after their second paid month. I noticed a big drop on Warriors of the Shadow that month. Also noticed a drop in March on Vrook Lamar where the ToJ Republic guild is located.

I'm in a secular guild now on The Harbinger that generally has around 70 people on each evening and around 300 on the fleet. I'm seeing a lot of newbie type questions in guild chat and planet chat, indicating that at least some people are new to the game. I've been back to Vrook Lamar a couple of times over the past couple of weeks and it seems like the population there has stabilized and is even growing a bit. One planet had double the players compared to when I left that server.

I'm not one who likes to level cap within a couple of weeks. I enjoy the journey and feel that SWTOR is the most content-rich game I've played. I'm not the type to keep hitting the spacebar to skip all the dialog.

My highest toon on my current server is only 34. I started him in early April and level a couple of alts when his rest points run out. Once I hit 50, maybe I'll experience some of the bugs you guys are talking about. My biggest complaint was not being able to adjust the interface. They fixed that with 1.2. My next biggest complaint is minimal customization for characters. Otherwise, I'm not seeing the major bugs that everyone is talking about. I never heard the noise on the fleets. I don't have a Matrix cube yet.

I would like to see SWTOR go F2P. At least in Aion, when it was P2P, I got rewards each month that I could use in game. With SWTOR, there's nothing. I would like SWTOR to follow GW2's F2P model where I could voluntarily spend some money periodically and get gold, gear and other things.

I dislike PvP, which is part of why I left Warriors of the Shadow. It seems all the PvP lovers have congregated on The Fatman server where they can gank each other all day long. Whether a game is considered to have great PvP or not doesn't matter to me. Part of why I left Aion is the PvP gank fest.

I have two months left in my SWTOR sub. I'll continue to play and enjoy the game. I haven't decided whether to renew or not. GW2 will probably be released by then, but I didn't enjoy the GW2 beta at the end of April as much as I thought I would, so I may continue to play SWTOR.

I think the biggest problem is people like to complain and they will find something to complain about no matter what. The same will happen with GW2. I suspect that the same people who dropped Aion, Rift, SWTOR and other MMOs after a couple of months, will also drop GW2.

I felt exactly the same way until I hit 50 :p