How Doe's the Devil work in people?

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What are the way's the Devil try's to defeat Christians,
How doe's the Devil work in people in the world?
Well, first of all the big nobrainer.
#2: Use life's issues like suffering and stuff and temptation, and other things like the Davinci code etc... to hve christians lose theirfaith. sorry, 'bout messy post, hw.
God is so sweet! A friend gave me a book for Christmas by Charles Stanley. It is titled When the Enemy'll never believe what chapter I am on! That's right! Chapter 4, The Enemy's Snares :)

He starts by telling a story.
A preacher was teaching a lesson to a group of children. He brought a very large spool of thread, called upon the biggest, strongest boy to be tied by this thread at the hands of a little girl. He gave her about 10 minutes as he continued to speak. The boy was unable to set himself free!
He says when a person admits that they do not know why they do the things that they do, or they cannot stop, it is like the little sin after another, then we are ensnared!

Put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Ephesians 6:11

(Have you ever done the dishes at your house? Everyone has a different way of doing them...some want them all rinsed and stacked nicely...some just start washing...some put them in soap...some just use a soapy rag....anything we do we have a method, or wile of doing it. Ephesians goes on to tell us how to stand against the wiles of the devil. He knows were we are weak, and he will use what gets to us. Malohaut is doing a Bible study on the armour of God,
and that is how we stand, by placing on our armour. I have heard it said that our back is not protected with this armour, while we are covered head to toe, for we are to stand. It says having done all to stand..STAND! Don't run, our back is not covered...simply stand by the power of God! I liken this to those times when we my not feel like praying, or feel our prayers are being heard, or we read the Bible and don't seem to get much out of it...just keep on standing...keep on keeping on! God will honour your faithfulness.)

The book says that the enemy sets four snares against us:


DEBATE: He always wants to engage us in conversation loaded with but, and if statements. He continually seeks to place qualifiers on who God is, who you are, and how you might relate to God or other people. The truth of God has no butts, no ifs, no qualifiers, or disclaimers.
He says if you find yourself in a conversation with someone that constantly says, "but," or "what if," or "what about," the enemy is using that person-not for an honest discussion for getting to the truth of the issue, but a debate solely for the please of disagreement.

(I would interject here, if you find yourself around anyone that would cast doubt on the things he mentioned, for any reason, you need to get away from that person.)

DIVISION: The enemy always seeks to divide people. It is critically important in defeating the enemy that we continually seek to unite with and remain united with believers who truly are seeking to follow and serve Christ Jesus. We must become yoked with those who are joined with Christ. We need to be clear that brothers and sisters in Christ are not our enemies.

Words of accusation:
The foremost tactic the enemy uses in dividing people is accusation. In Revelation 12:10 he is referred to as the accuser of our brethren, who accuses them before God night and day.
Accusation breeds distrust, anger, hatred, emotional pain, rejection, resentment, and bitterness. No one wants to be around someone who is accusing him or criticizing him all the time. We run from someone who does that, putting as much space between us as we can...that's division.
The love of God is what unites us Romans 8:35~39.
Words of love and acceptance in Christ Jesus produce the exact opposite of accusations.

DOUBT: If the enemy can get you to doubt God's presence, God's love for you, God's forgiveness, God's purpose for you, or God's commandments, he is well on his way to getting you to yield to temptation. He seems to specialize in several categories of doubt.

Doubt About God's Word
When you begin to discount or dismiss God's Word, you'll find there is no end to discounting it or dismissing its value.

Doubts About Your Relationship with God
He wants you to question your salvation, the fact that you have a Heavenly home, and he works on feelings. If you feel this way, how could you be saved? All lies of the enemy and wiles to get you to doubt. Some of his favorite lies:
1. Saved people don't sin.
2. Some sins are beyond forgiveness.
3. Gods gets weary of people sinning and repenting and will stop forgiving them.

(I believe that is why Ephesians tells us to put on the helmet of salvation. We cannot let the enemy put doubts in our mind about our salvation.)

He also likes to instill doubts about our ministry:
+If God called you to do that, you would be more successful.
+Who do you think you are trying to live this way and serve the LORD?
+What good is all that church stuff anyway?
+What difference can you make?

Deception is a lie about the true reality of something. Deception occurs when we believe things are good, but they aren't; when we believe things are hopeless, but they aren't; when we think something is true, but it isn't. Deception is perhaps the enemies foremost snare.
The lies of the devil always have the ring of truth to them. The best counterfeit is always as close to the authentic item as possible. The same for the best lie-it is just one degree from the truth. He tells us we cannot live Holy as God says. He tells us we are too busy. He only wants us to think about today, to live for the moment, and not worry about where bad choices will lead us.
If we could see the final outcome of sin, we would never engage in the first act of any sin. Sin leads to death, destruction, and diminishing of every good thing. It destroys relationships, reputation, and the opportunity to reap great blessings. It hinders growth and keeps us from fulfilling our God-given destiny. It destroys inner peace, joy, and feelings of deep satisfaction It diminishes self-worth and dashes hopes, dreams, and goals. Sin shackles and limits us in ways that cause us to retreat into ourselves and to hide from the world.
He likes us to think that it can't happen to us! That we will not reap the consequences of sin, that we are different.
His biggest lies are about Jesus, he wants us to believe there are other ways to be saved.

The answer Caleb, as in all things of God, is praying without ceasing, and staying in God's Word. I encourage you to follow Malohaut's teaching. It is good to be aware of the enemy and the wiles he uses, but that knowledge is useless if we do not dress for Spiritual battle at all times, with the whole armour of God.

Thank you for allowing me to share. I needed that! :) God says to draw nigh to Him and He will draw nigh to us...but we need our armour, the closer we are, and the more we try to serve the LORD, the more the enemy will fight!
I think one of Satan's best attacks against us is how He has desensitized us so that we don't recognize evil as easily.

Slow and gradual, just like frogs I believe. If I remember correctly, you can put frogs in water and they're happy. If you're slow enough, you can carefully raise the temperature all the way to a boiling point and literally cook the frogs. But if its gradual enough, the frogs won't feel much change and stay where they are.

Just like us, we won't always hop into freezing water or a hot sauna most of the time. Its easier if we slowly slide our foot in, then our leg, then our hips, our torso, and last our arms. It seems cold or warm at first, but our body adjusts.

Do you think Israel went from loving God to prophesieying in Baal overnight? Do you think we went from wholesome black and white Disney movies to Sex and the City overnight? No.

We walk with God. But Satan brings us something small to accept. Its okay to look at the shape of women. Nothing wrong with that. Its a natural shape. Then once he has that foothold, he works deeper: Its okay to look at bathing suits. They are still clothed. Oh, its okay to look at undies. Doesn't it look pretty? Oh, it won't hurt you to look at them naked. Its not like you're lusting? You're just admiring what God made. Nothing wrong with watching them kiss right? Isn't intimacy between a man and woman a beautiful thing? Ooh. Look at what they're doing now! Doesn't that look like fun? See? You're not hurting anybody are you? You're just looking. Oh look at her, go ask her out. Doesn't she have a nice body? Just like those pictures. . . .

And so on and so forth. Its why our Christian nation is in the state its in now. We've allowed false Gods of Jehovah Witnesses, Muslims, and cultists to enter and thrive in our midsts. We've allowed pagan idols such as santa claus, the easter bunny, and the tooth fairy into our homes. We let our children watch violence and cartoons about mooning and being disrespectful to your parents.

So that's how Satan offers his best attack against us. And just keep in mind, this is just ONE of his attacks. As Marcylene pointed out, there are many others. But this is one of his most effective weapon he's using on us today.
I think there's another way too...

Great post Marcy. Ever notice how preachers always have between three and five points and they always start with the same letter?

The end result of those methods is that if we believe the loud, booming voice of this world instead of the still, small one, we end up with a spirit of fear and worry. We start questioning whether the Creator of the universe will be able to take care of us!

"What if God doesn't do <insert action>?" Then He will do something else, according to His will.

"I can't do this! Why don't you get someone else, God?" Because He called you, and wants to increase your faith.

Satan attacks us through every avenue imaginable, whether (like me yesterday) you've been passed over for a promotion or job, making you doubt your career path; whether your boy/girlfriend breaks up with you, making you question your worth; whether a loved one is battling an extended illness, making you question how a good God can allow this; whether you've been or are being abused or neglected; whatever the circumstance, just remember that it is only a circumstance.

Satan's goal is our soul, and he will attempt to take it by any means he can. In general, just note that if something or someone makes you question God's sovereignty as Master of all things, including our lives, it's probably the enemy.
LOJ, I have never read that book. Someone in authority over me did not like CS Lewis and made me put it away! I am no longer under their authority, I think I will read the book at your suggestion, thank you!
Thank you Wild Bill...although, I cannot take an ounce of credit! I am still amazed that the question can come at a time this book is right here, with my most favorite book mark, (LOVE carved in wood), right there at the exact spot! God is so very good! Now if I can just be more like LOJ, Malohaut, and you and say important things in a few less words! Poor Caleb, that is a lot to swim through!
I do like Charles Stanley. I think the LORD speaks directly through Him! We can read the Bible and see that God is the great Poet, and I think He is the one that gives these preachers the Words that begin the makes it easier to remember and I will never cease to be amazed that lessons similar to these from Charles Stanley stay with us. Perhaps it is because it is based on the Word.
I can think of another sermon on Psalm 1, it talks about where to walk, sit, and stand, so that we can be like a tree that brings forth fruit for Him.
In line with what Malohaut was saying, have you ever heard the song:

Oh, be careful little eyes, what you see!
Oh, be careful little eyes, what you see!
There's a Father up above, looking down in tender love,
So be careful little eyes, what you see.

Be careful little ears what you hear...
Be careful little mouth what you say...
Be careful little hands, what you touch...
Be careful little feet, where you go...

Someone cleverly put the thought of James 1:14~15 to words!

But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bingeth forth death.

So all these things, what we see, hear, say, do, and where we go, either are acceptable unto God, or they're not. The enemy will fight to gain control of these things. God says that as Christians, we are the light of the world, and our light should not be hidden! The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. He wants our testimony to make us non-effective, and to make us, like Wild Bill was saying, think that we are of no use to our Father in witnessing to others. He wants to kill us to stop us from speaking of the things of God, or he will try to destroy us so we are unable to do the things of God. He is slow, methodical, and diabolical...but a knight in shining armour, he cannot conquer!

The most glorious and wonderful thing is that we do not have to be frightened by the tricks of the enemy. God gives us the armour to do battle and be mighty warriors in the battle! We are born into the Kingdom of God when we accept Jesus...the Bible says we are adopted...choosen, and the most glorious thing about our Father's sacrificial love that provided our salvation...He tells us whosoever will may come!

Thank you guys for your input! I love this group! (((((((group))))))) You will never know how much your words have spoken to me this morning. The enemy tried to keep me from the computer this morning to avoid exactly what I needed to hear! God bless you!
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Caleb said:
What are the way's the Devil try's to defeat Christians,
How doe's the Devil work in people in the world?

The Devil

That is how he will manifest his works in this world. Remember this, no matter what Challenges you face, they will either Bring you closer to God, or closer to the devil.

The trap is a skadon,(Pit trap) The devil wants you to take an offense, when you take an offense you are puting distance between you and God. Like falling in a pit, No Water( Prayer) Who prays when they are angry at someone. no food, how many times when your angery to you read the Bible? and without food and water( The word and Pray) how long can your spirit man (Or woman) live.

Now some do jump in the word when offenses come, this is something I am learning I will give a scripturual reference tonight strait from Jesus himself!

The devil doesn't just use others, he will try to influnce us to be offended.

Please read the book the Bait of satan

God bless
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Hmm... You said how the devil DESENSITIZES us? I know that.

But I have overall, risen my morals since last summer and when I do something wrong. I feel even worse *cause I know more* duh! It's very hard to raise your morals about small things. :p
I started to read a book called the Battlefield of the mind by Joyce Meyer. I may not agree to all of her teaching but she has some good points in this book.

What are you thinking when you do the dishes work on a car driving down the road?
Are they negative thoughts? Negative thoughts come from Satan
In the Amplified Bible says:
Pr 23:7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. ………

I know there was a time that I thought that is impossible to think positive all the time ( ok ok we are made of flesh and are weak).
Why not just pray in the car? Or just say God you are great!!! Or you are my GOD. Just little phrases will help. I have found out those things help. Am I perfect? NO!!!

I always loved those verses
The Armor of God

. Eph6:11 put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,
15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Satan also makes things look good! Like chocolate cake to some.
I agree with you about Joyce Meyer, and I really love that book. I think she gets the point across about the mind being a battlefield with the onslaughts of the enemy excellently, considering the fact that it is packed full of Scripture...the only way to obtain right thinking!
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