2007 Devotions


Can you believe we are at the end of 2006 / beginning of 2007 already? What a year this has been! We have had so many ups and downs, joys and sorrows, lessons and opportunities to teach….well, I could go on.

We have two devotions planned for 2007.

Daily Audio Bible

Our first devotion is an excellent opportunity for many to further their understanding of the Word of God. Throughout 2006, I have participated in an online community with a focus of reading through the Bible in one year. We started in Genesis last January and are finishing Revelation on December 31, 2006. The readings contain Old and New Testament passages as well as daily readings from Proverbs. Brian Hardin started the Daily Audio Bible community last year as an accountability program for himself. The community has grown exponentially throughout the year. Every day, Brian reads through a portion of the Bible and publishes the audio files online for download to an mp3 player or through a web browser. I learned so much about our Lord over the past year and also review some of my favorite books of the Bible. I hope you will also take the opportunity to listen through the Bible in a year. Each podcast is approximately 20-25 minutes long and well worth the investment.

Purpose Driven Life Daily Devotional

Our second devotion is based on the book by Rick Warren, “The Purpose Driven Life”. The daily devotions, written by John Fischer, challenge us to live for Christ, looking at living a real life. I can guarantee that your faith will be exercised on a regular basis. The devotions, while brief, are direct and to-the-point.

The devotions will be posted on a daily basis. If there are any questions, please post a reply in the thread that contains the devotion. All of the content of the devotions will be provided directly from the purposedrivenlife.com website. Permission has been given to post these devotions on our website.

I hope you will enjoy these two devotions.
