2008 Guide to gaming Pc specs......


Here is a link for the article, http://www.yougamers.com/articles/16583_the_2008_guide_to_gaming_pc_specs/
, Many of us have already made the leap and upgraded [while simotaniously emptying our Bank accounts, LOL] and many more are waiting patiently, I read this article and for Once I am amazed at the accuracy of the article, 2 other articles for good Gamers reading are : The 2007 Review, a year of PC Gaming and Looking ahead to 2008, here: http://www.yougamers.com/articles/?mainnavi=true ,enjoy :)
Pretty good article, i have to say i disagree when they say that "EA's Crysis can demand more power than any single graphics card can currently offer." thats crazy, the 512 8800 GTS or an ultra can play it maxed out at good FPS...
A simple question for resident computer gurus. According to the article a game needs a 64-bit operating system to really benefit from more than 2 gigs of memory. Now what does that mean in respect to other programs? Specifically I'm talking about Photoshop 7. I know traditionally in image processing "more memory = better" due to the large file sizes one handles. So is +2 gigs of memory useful in a 32-bit OS for a non-gaming application or is there an actual memory limit in a 32-bit OS?
A simple question for resident computer gurus. According to the article a game needs a 64-bit operating system to really benefit from more than 2 gigs of memory. Now what does that mean in respect to other programs? Specifically I'm talking about Photoshop 7. I know traditionally in image processing "more memory = better" due to the large file sizes one handles. So is +2 gigs of memory useful in a 32-bit OS for a non-gaming application or is there an actual memory limit in a 32-bit OS?

Memory in windows XP 32bit is limited to 2gb per application. If you have XP 32bit pro there is a "switch" you can put in your windows boot.ini file that will allow it to use up to 3gb per application, but Windows XP pro 32bit has an overall memory limit of 4gb total memory used. So if you use the switch you can benefit from up to 3gb. You can learn more about it here: http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/system/platform/server/PAE/PAEmem.mspx
Yes Gebil, Capt. is correct about the memory, although many programs Benefit from 4GB, it is all dependant upon the OS configuration, and don't forget, the article was for Gaming purposes :).
I agree with both Braveheart and hescominsoon, while I agree that a medium video card[ ie: the 8800 gts] can run Crysis on a High to Max level and get a good FPS rating, USUALLY this is with settings not on thier Highest setting, VERY High and a AA of 16Q is maxed, and like hescominsoon said, High end rigs still have problems with AA or AF, In the World of Gaming on Max settings, multiple things come into play, your Cpu, Video Card, Ram, Mainboard and especially your Internet Speed, You might have a perfect combo and can play online as well as single player maxed out fluidly, while another with the same rig but a slower ISP cannot, my 2 cents :)