Alternatives to Stranglethorn Vale?

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
Since many guild members despise Stranglethorn Vale, I was wondering: What areas provide an alternative for levels 31-40?

Ulfbrikt just flew into STV last night (and boy are his arms tired, duh-dum). I logged in earlier today, fumbled around trying to find the Stable Master, switched out my wolf for my turtle, and headed out of town. About half a mile down the road, I encountered an Undead Warlock who rapidly dispatched me. After my defeat (much of it spent sitting down), I had the Spirit Healer resurrect Ulfbrikt, ran to the inn, and waited for the Resurrection Sickness to wear off.

I had originally flown to STV to tame a Mistvale Gorilla, but may dodge STV entirely and tame a Groddoc Ape when I reach level 42.

In the meantime, where should I quest and level?
I quested in Desolace, I don't honestly know how safe that is anymore. The problem with STV is that it is basically the first contested zone in which both horde and alliance have to quest in. And that causes a great amount of stress as its also the first time both factions have the opportunity to try world PvPing. Unfortunately, way to many skill-less 60s roam the place.
Desolace, Arathi Highlands and Southshore might be other alternatives....but STV does have a lot of quests ranging from lvl 30-40+. The ganking is bad though..generally I quested in the mornings there cause it used to be empty mostly.
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I thought the same thing tek so I went out to southshore. My introduction to the place was bad. When I first got there there were 2 level 60s and 2 level 35 guys ganking outside of the main town.

the only problem with southshore seems to be the rogue NPCs, they are about level 38 and are a pain in the rear. I had one get on me in Arathi Highlands and it chased me through half of the map. even the alliance NPCs wouldn't help me, thank God for Aspect of the Cheatah.

As for the other beasts there most of the time they are level 26 and below, however there is a good bit of level 30-31 turtles in the Highlands that won't attack you without being provoked, and there are level 30-34 lions there that are aslo good for grinding.

I havn't found a whole lot of quests for that area but there are a few that are pretty easy. Fun place over all, it is right on the border of silverpine forest so you can have fun ganking at higher levels.
Welcome to the reason why I quit. :(

I tried Desolace and it only has 75% of the ganking that STV does, but it has even more walking. Altogether, I think your options are kind of limited at this point. Some people have a love of PvP, and some people have the patience to endure it. I had neither, so I went to Cenarius, but nobody ever played there so I quit altogether.

I think they need to enforce PVP "level caps" on zones, so that anyone above 10 levels higher than the average quest level in that zone is barred from attacking players below that range. Thus, you would have two groups in STV... the level 30-40 players killing each other, and the level 41-60 players killing each other, with no mixing of the groups.

I don't mind open PvP with people around my level, but level 60s that sit around racking up HKs at Nesingwary's Expedition make me sick, because they're essentially leeching their HKs from the amount of time I have to play. A quest that would normally take 20 minutes of one gameplay session ends up having to be spread over two weeks of my limited playtime because I'm spending so much time getting killed trying to turn in the darn quest. They're Nazis, I tell you!
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60s don't rack up any HK points on toons lower then 48. Basically, they are wasting their money and time by ganking and corpse camping the level 30s in the area. Proving that they are indeed as big of losers as they appear to be.
kraniac said:
I tried Desolace and it only has 75% of the ganking that STV does, but it has even more walking.
D'oh. Perhaps Southshore or the Arathi Highlands are my only choices for (nearly) gank-free questing.

kraniac said:
Some people have a love of PvP, and some people have the patience to endure it. I had neither, so I went to Cenarius, but nobody ever played there so I quit altogether.
I'm definitely willing to do my part to help increase activity within Mustard Seed Conspiracy. I think it's a perfect alternative for people who are tired of being ganked while questing.

kraniac said:
A quest that would normally take 20 minutes of one gameplay session ends up having to be spread over two weeks of my limited playtime
Aye, and it comes down to a time decision for me, too. Am I going to spend two hours, get ganked four or five times, and lose gold on repairs, or am I going to play a character under level 30? I don't want to quit the game altogether, but I can't justify spending my limited game time getting killed by level 40s, 50s, and 60s instead of questing with guildies and enjoying the game and fellowship. No matter how badly I may get pwned playing against kraniac's friends in UT2004, at least I'm playing a game, not just watching a character move from a graveyard to a tombstone.

Yay respawn.

Despite what some may believe, WoW should not be a job, it should be fun. I would rather use my time to quest with a guild member, chat with someone and help encourage them in Christ, or run an instance with a reliable group. When a game ceases to be fun, then I stop playing it. Plain and simple.
Gods_Peon said:
60s don't rack up any HK points on toons lower then 48. Basically, they are wasting their money and time by ganking and corpse camping the level 30s in the area. Proving that they are indeed as big of losers as they appear to be.
Wow, I didn't know that. What terrible people.
Tek7 said:
Despite what some may believe, WoW should not be a job, it should be fun. I would rather use my time to quest with a guild member, chat with someone and help encourage them in Christ, or run an instance with a reliable group. When a game ceases to be fun, then I stop playing it. Plain and simple.

All i can say is you'll get through the STV gauntlet. Just keep at it and one day you'll find yourself lvl 40 and finished with all the quests. I'd watch general chat and when you see someone LFG for the same quest, jump on that. Otherwise, when you have an elite to kill just ask a guildmate. the best thing about STV is someday you'll no longer have to quest there.
I have been playing in STV for the last couple days and I haven't died that many time to horde. It really matters where you are in the zone and what grind areas you pick. Just remember that 60 alliance gank lowbies in that zone as well. What do you do when someone corpse camps you? Switch to another toon for 20 mins or so, check auctionhall, read these forums, catch on IM's. Another thing you can do is lvl to 35-36 then start questing in stv by the time you get to the end of quests in that zone you'll be around 40ish. Also by doing quests in STV/Tanaris/Everlook you build rep with the goblins which saves on vendor/repair in the long run
Instance time!

I pretty much skipped questing in STV. I entered the area as a level 30, and while just walking through from duskwood to booty bay, I was ganked several times. Then by the time I got to booty bay, I discovered that wasn't horde free at all. Horde and Alliance sharing the same inn and bank?? So, I went with a friend to the Arthai Highlands. Of course, I was ganked there too but not as much. Then...after some frusteration...I just started questing instances to get my level up some. Then, I wasn't as vulnerable to be ganked when I went back to a territory.

Just an idea. You could run instances a bunch and level up that way. Plus it's good loot ;)

Happy Questing!
I took some time out last night to grind and gather quests in STV. I spent most of my time exploring the area, and am very pleased to report that I did not get ganked once. Amazing! I did see several high-level Horde, but they walked right past me. 'Twas very nice of them to do so.

Oh, and Aspect of the Beast probably helped a bit, too. :D
After browsing Allakhazam for more information on STV quest chains, I've come to a startling conclusion: Blizzard doesn't want Hunters in STV. It's true. If they did, they would have offered decent rewards for Hunters in a quest other than "Kill X number of Y creature" (i.e. grinding) quests.

Out of ten quests in STV, only three offer decent Hunter rewards:
Even then, I have to consider the armor I'm already wearing v. the armor I earn as a quest reward:
I think I might return to the Duskwood to finish up two quest chains (The Legend of Stalvan and Look To The Stars), then travel to Dun Modr to find out more about the history of the Iron Dwarves, then start running Scarlet Monastery when I reach level 35.

I had two quest chains involving areas in the Wetlands, but I read about the full chains (Lightforge Iron and The Cursed Crew) and concluded that the rewards don't justify the time involved to complete the quests.

Heh, I don't even remember what I used on my hunter through the stv days but I did use the bow I started out with till about 43-44 when I started to buy ranged weapons off the AH. Oh and who can forget Lord Alexander's Battle Axe! D'ont worry much about gear when your questing, most of it is vendor stuff for mount! I actually just got my Warrior's mount 3 more lvls then I get to use it.