An update's update

The Mighty Gerbil

Tribe of Judah TF 2 Chapter Leader & CGA Admin
Staff member
Today there was an update for the things the Tuesday's update broke :p. It also broke new things as in our Source mod plugin XD and it added a few other things like medals. Check out the page here . It also had a couple of hidden pages here and here. The main page also mentions another site for a Heavy collectible which went down from Valve posting a link to it. I guess TF2 has still got what it takes to draw people in :D.

The new items are medals for playing since a specific date. I don't get a Gold medal becuase I didn't have the game at start :(. Actually I'm not quite sure what medal I'll get as I think I got the game around the Goldrush update I am hoping at least Silver T_T.

Notes on the update are listed below.

* Added new items to commemorate our 119th (or so) update.
* Fixed several issues with the Source SDK
* Scout's "Retire the Runner" achievement updated to be
o "Kill a Scout while they are under the effect of Crit-a-Cola."
* Added a 20% damage bonus to The Backburner
* Fixed the Flare Gun's afterburn duration being lowered by the Flamethrower's duration reduction
* Fixed the teleporter exit using the wrong particle effect
* Fixed HUD damage indicators not appearing
* Fixed Teleporters not reverting to level 1 when their other side is destroyed
* Fixed receiving damage not causing view-kicks on players
* Fixed Engineers & Spies being able to circumvent build restrictions
* Fixed Server Browser not saving filter settings properly
* Fixed a client crash in the targetID on clients running custom HUDs

I could have predicted the Backburner improvement as it's more situational than the regular one although I would have changed it in a different way.
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I still feel that a no scope headshot with the sniper rifle should at least give you a mini-crit.
That would make sense. It isn't exactly easy to hit someone's head without a scope anyway.
I still feel that a no scope headshot with the sniper rifle should at least give you a mini-crit.

I need to record a demo of one of the games when that sniper clan is on our server and see if you still feel the same XD . A couple of those guys are death incarnate although they lose becuase they can't achieve objectives with a team of mostly Snipers.

That would make sense. It isn't exactly easy to hit someone's head without a scope anyway.

I need to record a demo of me using the Ambassador (on one of my infrequent good days XD ) and see if you feel the same.

I actually never, ever use the smg with the sniper rifle becuase it's so easy to no scope people to death (I'm awful with the bow though so I use the smg with it sometimes). If anything I'd do something to buff the smg becuase I've always found it to be rinky, dinky. Maybe it's the sound effect that makes it feel so weak though.

You should try backshooting people with the Ambassador sometime Whon with your superior aiming skill you could make a killing with it :p . Because of the cloak it lets you get in hidden locations so it's different than sniping where everyone sees you in front. See normally you have to worry about other snipers counter sniping you so you generally only get a single shot off at a time as a Sniper while as a backshooting Spy you can miss and take multiple shots. Many players are oblivious to it until they are dead. Others suddenly find half their life gone only to be killed by your teammates and never even know what happened.
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Perhaps I should specify that it isn't easy to hit a GOOD player's head with no scope.
Perhaps I should specify that it isn't easy to hit a GOOD player's head with no scope.

>.< Yeah if they are aware of you it makes it noticeably harder :) .

BTW Valve updated again to fix the what the update that fixed what the other update broke and no I kid not XD. First it broke hammer then the next update let Engineers build a bunch of stuff. At least they keep trying :) .
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