Anyone know of a mod that can act as a counter ...


I am grinding warbeads and would like to know how many I have without having to open the bags everytime. Most of the mods I have found are not longer "in service". Does anyone know of a mod that can display a counter of a particular item? Thanks
The only one I know of is GrindStatus, also available from WowAce.

I have it integrated with FuBar, but it is supposed to be able to overlay the standard rep bar. What you have to do is set it to the faction you are wanting to grind and then it will track any items related to that faction. I have some Scryer items in my bags, so I set it to Scryer and when I mouse over it in FuBar is shows details of my faction rep along with items in my bags that gain me rep. You can also click on it on FuBar for it to show you a list of rep rewards available.
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Thanks I tried Xloot and Xloot monitor but it did not do anything close to what I wanted. I'm trying yours out now. Thanks for posting it.
This only applies to people using FuBar, but there is an addon for FuBar called FactionItemsFu on WowAce. You set it to which factions you want to track and it will track all of the ones selected at once. When you mouse-over it will list all the faction items per faction, now many of an item makes a stack and how many items you have. When not moused over it shows how many stacks you are working on currently and how many stacks are complete.

CONFLICT ALERT: Be aware that the this mod currently conflicts with Cartographer. I started having frame lag spikes when I used my gun or when others used raged attacks or weapons. Really annoying when doing an instance.
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While my grind with consortium is now complete (exalted), I know I have many more reps to grind on rueage for her transmute recipes. I have been using Faction Grinder and they have just come out with a number of newer TBC reps they can monitor. Check it out if you have need.