Bagnon Updated


New Member
bagnon was always my favorite bag mod, track all of your chars backback inventory and bank inventory and access it from any other char..

The other nice thing is it keeps track of mats and such, when you mouseover a copper bar it'll say which chars have how many of that. In addition while yer crafting if you mouseover a mat in the crafting menu it will also tell you which of your charactors have that mat..
A similar mod is possessions. It gives you access to everything any of your alts has - wearing, in bags, in the bank, even in the mailbox. I use it when I get a BOE drop to check to see if it's better than what an alt is wearing.

I get it from:

The tooltip action provided by bagnon sounds pretty neat, though. For example, to find all the copper bars I have on all my toons using possessions, I'd have to enter '/poss copper bar', whereas it sounds like bagnon lets me mouseover the recipe materials list to get that info.

If bagnon also handled whatever my alts are wearing, I'd have to give it a try, but the documentation only mentions inventory.