Character Planning

Que Pasa

Active Member
It might be nice to plan out in advance what sort of characters we are going to be as to get a nice balance for questing and whatnot.

I'm either going to start off as a Night Elf Druid or a Gnome Mage. Casters have always been a passion of mine, as spells look way cooler than swining a rusty old axe.
Well, I was teasing my parents about character creation - and I told them they should pick a race and class that they could feel comfortable with.  Anyway, I was trying to find an example and gave them this picture to try and give them a few ideas.  ...I don't think my mom was overly thrilled with it, though.

While I do plan on gaming with my family, at least occasionally, I doubt they would go with anything as unique and interesting as what the Horde has to offer.  I have a feeling they'll stick with the more boring *cough* human *cough* races.

As for me, I'm going with a Human warrior, Dwarven paladin, Orc warlock, and Undead priest.  I heard the warlocks have an awesome AoE spell so I just had to throw it in there.

Oh, and my first personal quests will be to try and find Mr. Bronzebeard, compete in the gladiator arenas, raid a major city, and fly on the gryphons.  Cool!!!
What are yours?
I want a pet for that druid, and mostly explore the entire face of the World of Warcraft. Maybe I'll even have a cartography skill or something like that. Then it's on to crafting and whatnot.