CoD:WaW Review by Captain_Tea


Active Member
Just got my copy of CoD:WaW today. Here is my humble review :).

First of all let me say that due to the language and violence I think it wise to follow the 17+ mature rating. The gore and swearing can be tuned down in the single player, but not in the multiplayer.

Single player campaign:
The single player campaign is a lot of fun imho. It is very nicely done and the graphics are incredible. I haven't gotten far into it but it is one of the few single player campaigns that has captivated me to play for more than a few minutes.


The Multiplayer is almost identical to CoD4, but with old school weapons. Very fun once you get used to the old school feel. If you don't like being spawn killed constantly then I would recommend a server with 15 peeps or less. Or you can go to one of those insanely full servers and join in the spawn kill festivities and rank up quickly :p. CoD5 had only been out 1 week and there are already over 4000 servers :0.

I have yet to try the coop mode, but sounds like it could be very enjoyable.

I won't give too much away ;). I'll let you guys experience it for yourselves.
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This game is delicious!

I never really played the other CoD games... just got an xbox in the summer, and tend to be on the poor side...
but I rented CoD5 this weekend and it's very awesome. It was difficult to get used to at first, as I generally don't play the oldschool wwII type shooters with iron sights and all that

but after a little while i couldn't get enough!
i'm definitely buying this.