Dark Portal Opens


New Member
As we all know the 16th is the day the world stands still while all the nuts play the World of Warcraft Expansion. I use nuts in a good way cause you all know we are with as much time as we put in to a game.

But, why I am posting is this. It has been stated some places are opening at midnight so us nutty addicts can get the expansion and start playing. The Dark Portal opens at midnight. NOW, with that being said is it midnight server time or as soon as you update you account with the new key you can get in? Wouldn't it be painful if you had to wait for midnight server time to start the next adventure?

Like most people that have thought of this I am 99% confident that with this last patch everything is ready and all you need is the game key and Outland maps that the expansion gives you to step through and get ganked by the big bad demons.

Herekitykity has a signup on GEM for the expansion. I would like to invite everyone that is getting it to join us for some fun. I have talked to him and basically we will be hitting the first instance anytime we have 5 people on to do it. As for me I am getting my fix at midnight and after loading and updating my account I will take a nap and be back on and ready between 5/6 server time for a little instance running.

Hope to see you all in the Outlands.
I won't even get off work until 5am ST, and the local store that I pre-ordered through may be open at midnight, but I'll at be work then, so I'll have to wait until the store re-opens at 8am ST.

I figure that I'll actually get back online sometime around 9 or 10am. After that? I'll be hanging out near Honor Hold all day long.
I won't have my copy until sometime the evening of the 16th (hopefully). We'll see if Amazon is good to me.
The nice thing with this event as opposed to the AQ event is that they have set it up so that server load will be spread over time zones. Even if 10% of the player base goes out and gets the x-pack at midnight, the purchasing is spread across the continent along with the install times. I'm hoping that this will allow the servers to weather the storm.
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Elijah and I got ours from Amazon also, so we may not be on until the 17th, depending on what time we get it. Ken will possible be on the evening of the 16th, depending on how easy it is to find the regular edition in my town:)
Ordered through Blizzard last week, and haven’t received an out of stock notification as some late purchasers unfortunately did earlier this week.
Well, the real count down has begun. For EST people, 15.5 hrs to go. I got a notice from EBGames that starting at 23:00 EST they will be open and ready for checkout at midnight. I will be there ready and waiting for my order.
Well, I stopped by the local Wal-mart after dropping Elijah off at school this am and had no probs getting Ken's xpack. I had an older cashier, and she said, holding up the xpack box, "I have no idea what this is, but I have sure sold a bunch of them this morning". Lol:) I gave her the inside scoop:)

Elijah's and mine are supposed to get here today sometime, hopefully:)
Sheri's arrived from Amazon.com about 9:15 this morning. I had to wait until the store opened at 10 to pick mine up. Patching as I type...
PreOrdered yesterday afternoon at the local EB Games and stood in the "short" line at midnight. Glad I did the pre order, I don't think they had enough copies on the shelf for the mob that was in the "long" line. Doing my best to stay awake at work today...15 min to go :)

I will be on here and there but unable to commit to anything outside of a weekend evening. American Idol starts back up tonight and it's a family tradition to watch :) Add House and the return of Heroes to that mix with a sprinkling of Law&Order CI with a dab of Shark and it's a recipe for evening TV goodness :p
Or a TV in the computer room:)

So, mine was on the doorstep when I got home...woots! Installing now:)
Yeah, but it's a family event or just something to sit down with my wife and unwind. Taking a breather from WoW is not all that bad in moderation ;)

Just doing my part to not become obsessed with the game and allow it to rule my life without my knowledge like it has done in the past.
We were just joshing Evan, although I really do have a tv in our computer room, lol. You are doing the right thing sir:) Family first FTW:)