Death Knight Rune Sequence Discussion


New Member
Hey fellow emoknights,

I just wanted to kick off some discussion as to what the most efficient sequences of "Rune" abilities are for different specs and tasks. It would probably help if I poasted my spec for context, so here it is:

For example, if I need to get some health back going into a fight, I use:
  1. Icy Touch
  2. Plague Strike
  3. Death Strike

Once I have Obliterate, my usual sequence will probably be:
  1. Icy Touch
  2. Plague Strike
  3. Obliterate

When I have extra Frost/Death runes, I tend to spam Icy Touch/Howling Blast, as I have talents that buff the damage those do. I also mix in Blood Strikes and Death Coils as runic power/cooldowns allow.
Forgot to add this one for battling multiple foes:
  1. Icy Touch
  2. Plague Strike
  3. Pestilence
  4. Howling Blast
I haven't had a chance to try this out yet, but it should inflict all the mobs around you with two diseases, and then Howling Blast the lot of them. I suppose in longer AoE battles, you could also mix in some Death and Decays, but they take up a lot of runes...
For me (blood) it tends to be:

1. Icy Touch
2. Plague Strike
3. Death Strike (to top myself off)
4. Heart Strike
5. Heart Strike again.

I don't tend to use obliterate as I prefer to have high health. However, I am thinking of trying out:

1. Icy Touch
2. Plague Strike
3. Heart Strike
4. Heart Strike again
5. Obliterate

This doesn't have the healing power because it lacks Death Strike, but being a Blood Knight the high damage from Obliterate just might heal me anyways. We'll have to see.

For multiple foes I tend to:

Phase 1
1. Icy Touch
2. Plague Strike
3. Death Strike
4. Pestilence
5. Blood Boil
Phase 2
6. Icy Touch
7. Plague Strike
8. Pestilence
9. Blood boil
10. Blood boil
11. Blood boil
I can pull off three blood boils, remember, because I have two Death runes from using death strike.