Does anybody play Tribes Ascend?

Monado Wielder

New Member
I've been looking for people to play this amazing FPS with, but it seems to get overlooked due to the massive amount of bigger name titles on the market. So does anybody play this? If you've never played or heard of Tribes Ascend, here's a link to the official site for this brilliant free to play game: Hi-Rez Studios: Tribes Ascend
I played and didn't dislike it, but I wasn't very good at it. At all. As in, I was terrible at it.

Skill level in Tribes games depends heavily on movement. The same is true of Quake and Unreal Tournament to a (IMO) lesser degree, but I have a feel for the movement in Quake (and Quake also relies more on player prediction with the rocket launcher).

So I agree it's a solid game. I just didn't have much fun playing it because I was so bad at it.

I will say that I did like Hi-Rez Studios' previous game, Global Agenda. I haven't played it since it went free-to-play, but before that, it was quite fun and I felt like I could contribute to a team without being "uber-l33t" and spending hours every day practicing.

So Hi-Rez is a solid studio and Tribes Ascend is a solid game. Just because I didn't have fun playing it doesn't mean others shouldn't try it!
I used to play it rather heavily. Then I sort of lost interest. It's probably been 6 months or more since I last touched it. I did enjoy the game and the ridiculous speeds you could attain. Not to mention the thrill of stealing the enemy flag just as they were about to cap. Almost makes me want to give it another shot. . .
I used to play it a lot, then kind of stopped for a while. I've recently started playing it again. If you want to add me, my name in Tribes is herbalest.