Encouraging words in regards to Japan crisis


(Thought that I would share with all of you an email from a member of my church who is currently in Japan as part of the staff for Youth With A Mission. She was there last year for Discipleship training and felt led by the Lord to go there but this time as a staff member. I love her warrior spirit!.....Bonnie)

I'm going to be really honest right now. The news seriously ticks me off! I'm sorry for the words I used but they are the most accurate of how I feel. The news makes dark of what can become light and I'm sick of it. Instead of looking at the deathtoll, look at the life that remains! There is so much God can and will do here but that's not what people are looking at. Please, stop feeding your fear. To quote my leader, "stop spending your time watching the news and spend more time on your knees." Rise up Bride of Christ!
With each crisis, whether it be one in the world or in your heart, Jesus is waiting with open arms! My heart burns for this! All eyes are on Japan, right here, right now! I do not say nor believe this earthquake was the will of God, nor the tsunami, nor the nuclear reactors, nor all the happenings going on. You know what though? God can use this! People all over the world are praying, believers and non-believers! What are we doing?! Rise up Bride of Christ!
I have not a spirit of fear, but of Peace! Seriously! I have never been so at peace before! Our Father is pouring out his love for us! Don't just receive it, give it back, give it out, share it with the world! I get so agitated when I see people trying to keep it for themselves and you know what? I do it too. There are a lot of times I'm scared that if I give it out I won't have any left but that's a lie of the devil! Don't believe it! Receive, give back, share. Rise up Bride of Christ!
I don't want to be a hero of the people, but a lover of the people. I don't want praise nor an ego, I want to see the the breaking of hearts for the love of Jesus! Open my eyes Lord! Open the eyes of this country! Of the World! Brothers and sisters this is not a time of panic, but rejoicing! for God is with us even through this! How great are you, oh God of Jacob! Maker of the heavens and Earth, this not our time, but yours! Bride of Christ open your ears, open your hearts! Gos is speaking to us! Listen! Rise up Bride of Christ!
I want you to know, I'm not saying that nothing is happening within the church, because things are happening. It is time for things to move! Not only physically but spiritually! Call forth the armies of angels! Send them to do battle! You know what?! We have the authority to do so! We are the children of the most high God, the great I Am!!!! We are his princes and princesses! Step into your inheritance! Rise up Bride of Christ!
I'm not going to plead. I refuse to beg. God was, is, and will be. I choose to be a part of that. Thank you Father for the calling you have placed on my life and for giving me the faith to step into it! There is no love greater than yours! Thank you for sending your most precious son that I might know you and walk my life with you! You listen. You are here. Rise up Bride of Christ!
Sing your hearts! Cry out your destiny! Proclaim the wonders of His love in your life! Don't be afraid of the the world, don't be afraid of man! Have faith! You are strong in the arms of Christ! You are safe! Nothing can stand against you with Jesus by your side! Rise up Bride of Christ!

Rise up Bride of Christ!

Guess what....God is listening!!!