Facebook fun


Active Member
So, I am a face book person.

I must confess.

Are there any others?

Do we need a Redeemed WAR face book?
I've got facebook. PM me if you want my info (i flat refuse to post my email address in public forums. darn web crawlers and bots).
Ok, that's annoying. I clicked the "request to join" but it never allowed me to add a PM to it. Further, I tried searching your name since it lists you as the creator... and I saw a bunch of similar names, but none from the PSU area.

Anyway, if it shows you my picture... it's a blueish colored bunch of frost-covered branches....if that helps :)
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Ok, that's annoying. I clicked the "request to join" but it never allowed me to add a PM to it. Further, I tried searching your name since it lists you as the creator... and I saw a bunch of similar names, but none from the PSU area.

Anyway, if it shows you my picture... it's a blueish colored bunch of frost-covered branches....if that helps :)

Hahahaha Good thing I know your first name. Accepted! XD
Here's a link to my Facebook profile.

And here's a link to the Official Tribe of Judah Facebook Group. Be sure to join!