Favorite Natural Selection servers listing

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In an effort to help Tribe of Judah members play Natural Selection together more often, I'm asking everyone to post the name and IP address of their favorite servers. Please also include such information as whether or not the server runs custom maps and, if they do, which customs are in their map cycle. Feel free to add any other relevant information.
Just some servers I play at if anyone ever wants to play with meeee!!! Im usually on as ToJ | babo... (OUF Loki) (TheVille.org) (Vadakills NS) ([CoFR]FR31NS-Alien Infest)

Im usually in one of these servers when I play NS...
well hope to see SOMEBODY soon
great idea

This is what i play the most.

I usually play on Game Arena servers, and they have their own client program that enables you to play on all their servers.


hope this helps.

They don't list their server ips anymore. the way in is through the client.

you dl it, sighn up (free) and log on.... it's all good.


i also took down the server listing here and will try to find people online

what was the gaming tracker that we use to use?

so we can find other TOJ people

Question.. What is Natural Selection? i know its a mod for HL *guessed* but i hav noidea what/how to play
You guys got any fave servers or what? at the oment all i do is quickstart and i dunno anyone..
You guys know of any christian servers, or servers with low/no cussing. I've been playing NS alot latly, but ther cussing has just been really bad. And I don't wanna risk picking up anything.
trying doing a search on gametiger?? and if that doesnt work start picking the lowest pingers and go in and if you see/hear alot just leave and go to the next one
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