Healing Range Alpha


New Member
If you hate not knowing whether someone is close enough to heal/cleanse, give Healing Range Alpha a try. Works with CTraid, not sure about other raid mods.

I have also noticed on my hunter that it will show who in the raid is in my range.
I use most of the ZHunter mods including his range mod for that. I think Anita has started using this healer mod last night.
I used the mod yesterday..it was amazingly helpful in pvp as I could always see who was in range for me to heal...no more clicking on individual bodies in front of me and trying to heal them or looking at the raid buttons and guessing whether I could heal anyone. I'd highly recommend it for anyone who needs to heal/decurse in pvp or raids of 20+ ppl.
unfortunately, it was causing some serious problem with smartdebuff. I'll look into it more and see if there's a setting I can tweak.

The problem appears to be coming from the fact that SDB is creating windows and trying to color them, and then HRA is trying to-recolor them.
I'm sorry if it creates an issue for SmartDebuff, but my issue was with that mod in the first place. I find that SmartDebuff just takes up too much landscape when I can see clearly on the CTraid frames if someone is needing a cleanse. If you are using SmartDebuff, then this may not be for you, but if you are not, then I highly recommend it.

You can adjust how shows you being in range for cleansing/decursing also.
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yeh, I read over on the SGA site where someone is using a combo of HRA, Clique and CT to do the same thing as SDB. I'm looking into a similar setup, as I agree, 2 sets of bars is a real waste of screen and simply.... too hard to watch.
I guess that's what I'm using too. HRA tells me who is in range...CT colors the square so I know which decursive to use...and I have disease cure on my alt/right click and magic cure on my alt/left click courtesy of Clique mod. It's working out very well. I think I've increased my "worth" in pvp quite a bit as I no longer try to pop heals on ppl who are taking dmg but are outside my range. I've really enjoyed it. Yes, the CT squares occasionally flicker a bit, but its very easy to get past.
I kinda wish that I could customize what color the CT boxes turned. I liked the simplicity of SDB - Red for Right, Blue for Left-click. I'll keep playing and see what I can come up with
I believe perfect raid will allow you to specify colors. Once that mod stabilizes I would like to try it out. I believe it has a smaller footprint then CT Mods.