Heroic Instance Runs


New Member
A number of people have been helping to run heroics as of late, it seems that we have enough people interested in running them now to try and field a run every week night.

I am currently running KZ on Mon/Fri, but I look forward to trying to get a heroic run on Tue/Wed/Thurs.

I also know that Allen (Ebb), Rhys and others would be all to happy to run just about every week night.

I also understand that there are those who are interested in running but the time we normally run them is too early (we start at around 8:30 server time). Please chime in and let us know which character(s) you want to run heroics with, and when you are available.

I would like to see as many people as possible get a chance to experience heroics, they are a lot of fun imo. There are also chances for many of you to get upgrades from heroic badge turn ins, and there are epics to be found in the heroics as well.

Heroic Badge Rewards
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Well you know I am interested most nights. I've also been running Kara Sunday, Monday, and Friday with Gruul's Lair thrown in there on Wednesday. If I'm around you know I love running with you guys.
Tone is trying to cram in as much WoW as possible to overfeed the addiction before next fishing season comes up :)
Rogue is keyed for all but CE. Pally is keyed for all but TK & COT. Warrior is keyed for Auch & CE. Myself and Renee are up for heroics, but can't give a set schedual every night. For me anytime after 6 S time but before 11 s time is ok, but her schedule fluxuates more than mine.
Just want continue to let people know that we are running heroics, though mostly on Tue-Thurs. I would like to encourage just about everyone, but especially people who are running kara and wondering where else they can gear up to come and run heroics with us.

Just about everyone who is starting to run kara can benefit from the gear upgrades found in these instances. Not only are there some good drops in these instances, but some of the items you can buy from heroic badge turn ins are very nice.