Hey all


New Member
Hey all, im new here and just wanted to say hi. I was wondering what yall are gonna be. In the stress test i was a nighelf druid and a orc rogue. I also want to know fi anyone is up for a static group.....

cya """soon""" in WOW
My main character will probably be a human paladin. I've liked the druids so far and will probably create one of them as well. I really like mages, but I'll probably reserve him for a Horde character.
i like the shaman and priest because they are overpowered :p

nah really if the mage stays the same i doubt i will make one, but i like the warrior and i may try the priest or the shaman.

*mage was my main in Beta and warrior ALT ,also tried a paladin till like lvl 23ish and didnt like him that much hopefully talents change that)
a static group is like a group of people that just group w/ each other. This is convenient for when u cant find a group.

Actually...I guess to a degree we've been doing that all along.  Exoslayer and I create new characters from time to time and we level them up together, and we invite friends occasionally to join us.  But yeah, these types of groups are definately planned for when the game releases.
I recently joined ToJ a few weeks ago so I haven't been playing with the others. I'm thinking of playing a priest and paladin as my mains. Currently in beta I'm playing a druid.