Hotfixes: February 13


From The Herald:


We have the following Friday hot fixes for you:

Combat and Careers


* Fixed an issue that could, in some cases, cause root immunity not to work properly.


* Fixed an issue that caused some monsters in the Empire starting area not to fight back when attacked.


* The Decimator chest piece for the Knight of the Blazing Sun now has an increased chance to drop.
* The Decimator chest piece for the Black Guard now has an increased chance to drop.

Quests and Public Quests


* Fightin' Infightin': Low Boss Brung will now path in a more appropriate location, making him easier for players to find.

Public Quests

* Burnbeard's Oath: Fixed an issue that could cause this Public Quest to get stuck on Stage 1.
* The Grisly Herd: The final boss of this Public Quest will no longer reset in the middle of combat.

Realm vs. Realm

* The doors at the Badmoon Hole Keep will now be attackable by the attacking realm.
* The Contested Altdorf and Contested The Inevitable City side doors will now be open, allowing defending players to more easily leave the city if they choose.
* Players will no longer get stuck when using the postern doors in Butcher’s Pass.
* We have normalized the amount of players required to launch any Tier 4 Scenario. All Tier 4 Scenarios will now launch when 24 players for each realm are queued, regardless of the size of the Scenario.

fixing root immunity. finally.

and wait, it takes 24 players from each side to launch a scenario? That's odd - places like Serp's Pass only take 12 players at a time....