I have an Idea!


New Member
Hey for our next special sunday event, lets do a Tempest Keep run. Many will get the achievement that have done it before the achievements came out, and some of us that never got the chance to ever do it, can get that experience and the achievement.

Ahh,,,, good times
Hey for our next special sunday event, lets do a Tempest Keep run. Many will get the achievement that have done it before the achievements came out, and some of us that never got the chance to ever do it, can get that experience and the achievement.

Ahh,,,, good times

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As I told ya, we do nostalgic runs once a month and the last one was a week ago. I haven't posted which run it will be for April yet. Patience young druid.
you'll get the TK completion one but not Hand of A'dal, even if you completed the quest chain
I once had the proper quest to get the hand of A'dal (it became non-shareable). I then dropped it by accident when trying to drop a different quest. I'm such a fool :(
also...if this event does take place, make sure you take your weapon macros with you...and bring a lock :D
i dropped it cause i was just like o its no big deal and i need another quest slot for my dailys! ill just pick it up later... WRONG
I was trying to do the achievement for bombing in Ogrilla, and I was abandoning the quest if I couldn't get it done in time...yeah...pay attention foo!!!
I have been at work since 9am this morning (on Memorial day) and was just told I had to stay until 8pm tonight.

I need all the sugar I can get.