I need some input..


New Member
So I've tanked for a few of you now, and I'd like some input as to my tanking abilities.

I'm definintely finding it more difficult to keep mobs glued to me than I did when I was pally tanking, so I'm not sure how evident that is. I make every effort to grab mobs if I see them turn loose, but there are definitely people getting smacked a few times, of course on boss encounters there's no problem.

So anyways

1. Do I make the experience easy or frustrating
2. How are the healers feeling about my gear, are you struggling to keep me healed?
3. Am I doing my rotation wrong? All I'm doing at this point is spamming devastate, keeping demoralizing roar, thunderclap, and rend up, then doing shield slams and revenges as they come up.
4. Anything else you can think of.

Please be honest, I want to be a good tank.
use your sheild abilites more, slam, block and revenge are huge for aggro starrt with a sheid slam then got to dev then use revenege then finish off the dev's u will keep agrro more. rend is nt that huge it bleeds them but it isnt one in my routaine because I can get agro higher using the sheild slam, block and so on. shockwave is also huge when u start a fight start withthat if u pulling multi mobs.
Just to echo Rhys, Shield Slam, Revenge, and Devastate are your three highest threat producing abilities, use them whenever their cooldowns are up.