Joel Green passed away yesterday (3/13/14)


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Joel Green, son of writer Amy Green and developer Ryan Green, passed away this morning. He was five years old.

The tragic news comes courtesy of a post on the That Dragon, Cancer website and an update to Joel's personal website.

No further information was given, though it is likely that Joel passed away due to complications stemming from the terminal cancer he has battled since the age of one.

Joel is the inspiration for That Dragon, Cancer, an autobiographical adventure game that aims to help players understand Ryan and Amy Green's struggles to raise and support their son in the face of his illness.
Source: Obituary: Joel Green, the child that inspired That Dragon, Cancer

Please pray for Ryan and Amy Green.

Ryan and Amy are fellow followers of Christ and working through their grief one moment at a time.

I would write more but I'm still at work, I keep re-reading Ryan's blog post from yesterday, and I need to stop crying before I head home.
Oh man. That just floored me. We all know that this is a possibility when faced with that dragon, but despite the blessing that was four years of life (far longer than any doctor would have suggested) the pain is all too real.

Having two sons of Joel's age, this strikes me deeply. I am trying to hold back the sheer wave of emotion from reading that blog post.

Praying for Amy and Ryan is about all I can do.