Just a quick status update ...


We have had a busy week, added a couple of new members, Faye, welcome aboard. Did a few instances with guild members, a few helped my Allanon with his pally epic quest (step 3 of 5) going to Dire Maul West and dying lots :) Thanks guys for sticking it out. Perin and I have been playing pig in the middle in Western Plaguelands. How you do this is I get to open with my Esua char (Hunter) with aimed shoot, Perin then tries to get aggro off me before the bad creature dies at my hand ;-) For a Priest, he didn't do too bad ... I think we tied after a couple of hours of this. Tonight finally got my first piece for both my pally and hunter, very happy with that. Plus we got Jesipher and Zebidiah thru Gnomeragan with the help of 3 60s ;-) I am very happy to say, we didn't wipe once.